海洋学研究 ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 78-86.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.03.011

• 研究报道 • 上一篇    下一篇


江海华1, 彭欣*2,3, 肖国强2,3, 张永普4, 张炯明2,3, 方军2,3, 蔡景波2,3   

  1. 1.中国海洋大学 水产学院, 山东 青岛 266003;
    2.浙江省海洋水产养殖研究所, 浙江 温州 325005;
    3.浙江省近岸水域生物资源开发与保护重点实验室,浙江 温州 325005;
    4.温州大学 生命与环境科学学院,浙江 温州 325005
  • 收稿日期:2014-05-15 修回日期:2014-05-29 出版日期:2014-09-15 发布日期:2022-11-25
  • 通讯作者: *彭欣(1979-),男,副研究员,主要从事海洋生态学方面的研究。E-mail:pengxin_1128@163.com
  • 作者简介:江海华(1978-),男,浙江温岭市人,主要从事海洋管理方面的工作。E-mail:wlhyyyj@163.com
  • 基金资助:
    浙江省重大科技专项项目资助(2012C13005); 温岭市海洋与渔业局招标项目资助

Community structure of intertidal macrobenthos in islands of Wenling, Zhejiang, China

JIANG Hai-hua1, PENG Xin*2,3, XIAO Guo-qiang2,3, ZHANG Yong-pu4, ZHANG Jiong-ming2,3, FANG Jun2,3, CAI Jing-bo2,3   

  1. 1. Fisheries College, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China;
    2. Zhejiang Mariculture Research Institute, Wenzhou 325005, China;
    3. Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Exploitation and Preservation of Coastal Bio-resource, Wenzhou 325005, China;
    4. College of Life and Environmental Science, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325005, China
  • Received:2014-05-15 Revised:2014-05-29 Online:2014-09-15 Published:2022-11-25

摘要: 为了解浙江温岭海岛潮间带大型底栖生物在沿海经济快速发展背景下的群落结构变化,2011年10月和2012年4月对温岭8个海岛8条断面开展了春、秋季2个航次的调查。本次调查共鉴定出潮间带大型底栖生物96种,包括软体动物40种,藻类29种,甲壳动物15种,多毛类6种,棘皮动物6种;平均生物量为1 794.16±1 148.08 g/m2,平均丰度为679±497 ind/m2,生物量和丰度均为秋季高于春季。温岭潮间带大型底栖生物主要以藤壶-荔枝螺群落为主,主要优势种为日本笠藤壶Tetraclita japonica和疣荔枝螺Thais clavigera,其生物量和丰度占80%以上,优势度非常明显。运用ABC曲线、等级聚类和nMDS对大型底栖生物群落结构分析发现,群落结构已受到中度干扰,稳定性差;与周边的洞头列岛、南麂列岛和嵊泗列岛相比,物种数仅为其一半左右。这种分布情况与其所处的生境有关,同时也表明受到人类活动(如污染和采捕等)的影响,群落结构次生化。

关键词: 浙江温岭, 海岛, 潮间带, 大型底栖生物, 群落结构, 干扰

Abstract: 8 sections in islands of Wenling were investigated in October 2011 and April 2012 to assess impacts of disturbance on intertidal macrobenthos community structure. 96 species are identified, including 40 species of molluscs, 29 of macroalgae, 15 of carapaces, 6 of polychaetes, and 6 of echinoderms. The average biomass and abundance of macrobenthos are 1 794.16±1 148.08 g·m-2and 679±497 ind·m-2, respectively. The biomass and abundance in autumn are higher than those in spring. There is one main community structures in islands of Wenling, Tetraclita japonica-Thais clavigera. For all of the sections, T. japonica and T. clavigera are the dominant species and occupy over 80% of the whole biomass and abundance. According to hierarchical clustering analysis, MDS diagrams and ABC curve, macrobenthic community structure has suffered moderate disturbance with the consequence of poor stability in islands of Wenling. Compared to some neighbor islands (e.g. Dongtou, Nanji and Shengsi) in Zhejiang Province, the numbers of species are significantly less in islands of Wenling. Such distributional pattern of the habituating species in islands of Wenling appears to be closely attributed to the surrounding environment as well as to the impacts from anthropogenic activities (e.g. pollution, capturing, etc.), leading to the community structure degradation.

Key words: Zhejiang Wenling, islands, intertidal, macrobenthos, community structure, disturbance
