海洋学研究 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 40-54.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2024.02.004

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


苏涵1, 闯子维1, 张春玲1,2,3,*   

  1. 1.上海海洋大学 海洋科学学院,上海 201306
    2.上海海洋大学 海洋科学与技术实验教学示范中心,上海 201306
    3.自然资源部海洋生态监测与修复技术重点实验室,上海 201306
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-19 修回日期:2023-09-21 出版日期:2024-06-15 发布日期:2024-08-09
  • 通讯作者: 张春玲
  • 作者简介:*张春玲(1981—),女,副教授,主要从事海洋动力学方面的研究,E-mail: clzhang@shou.edu.cn。
    苏涵(1999—),男,内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市人,主要从事海洋动力学方面的研究,E-mail: m220200680@st.shou.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:

Application analysis of GDCSM-Argo in evaluating global ocean heat content

SU Han1, CHUANG Ziwei1, ZHANG Chunling1,2,3,*   

  1. 1. College of Marine Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China
    2. Demonstration Center for Experimental Teaching of Marine Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306
    3. Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Monitoring and Restoration Technology, MNR, Shanghai 201306, China
  • Received:2023-06-19 Revised:2023-09-21 Online:2024-06-15 Published:2024-08-09
  • Contact: ZHANG Chunling


海洋热含量作为全球气候变化研究最关键、最稳定的指标之一,对其进行系统、准确的评估依赖于长时间序列、全球覆盖的海洋内部观测数据。利用立足Argo剖面观测构建并持续更新的全球海洋0~2 000 m水深多参数再分析数据集(gradient dependent correlation scale method Argo, GDCSM-Argo),通过时空序列和滞后回归等手段分析热含量变化,研究了2004—2021年间全球海洋热含量的时空演变特征及其与异常气候的响应关系。结果表明:自2004年起,全球海洋0~2 000 m水深热含量均有不同程度的增加,海洋热含量异常增幅超过2×108 J/m2。2013年以后,700 ~2 000 m水深的海域表现出持续增暖趋势,至2017年,全球0~2 000 m水深变暖加剧。700 m水深的温度异常在海洋热含量整体变化中贡献突出。热带东太平洋海域在厄尔尼诺之前积蓄热量,在厄尔尼诺期间/之后失去热量,同时也向南、向北散发热量以中和前期积蓄的热量,变暖范围向赤道南、北两侧扩展。热带东太平洋海洋热含量正异常峰值先于ENSO(El Niño-Southern Oscillation)指数约0~1个月。 由上述结论可知,GDCSM-Argo数据集能够更细致地刻画海洋热含量的时空演变。

关键词: 海洋热含量, GDCSM-Argo, 时空演变, 气候变化


The ocean heat content is one of the most critical and stable indicators of the global climate change research. It’s systematic and accurate evaluation depends on the ocean internal observation of long time series and global coverage. Based on a global multi-parameter reanalysis data set (gradient dependent correlation scale method Argo, GDCSM-Argo) as well as the trend analysis, spatiotemporal series analysis and delayed regression analysis, the spatiotemporal evolution of global ocean heat content was investigated, and the relationship between ocean heat content change and the abnormal climate during 2004-2021 were discussed. The results showed that the global ocean heat content of 0-2 000 m had increased with different levels since 2004, with a increment of more than 2×108 J/m2. After 2013, the deep sea (700-2 000 m) had shown a continuous warming trend. The warming of all depths ranging from 0 to 2000 m was intensified after 2017. The temperature anomaly of 700 m made a prominent contribution to the overall change of the ocean heat content. The tropical eastern Pacific Ocean accumulated heat before El Niño, lost heat and distributed heat to the north and south during/after El Niño in order to offset the accumulated heat from earlier stages. The warming range extended to the north and south of the equator. The positive peak of heat content anomaly in the tropical Pacific Ocean preceded the ENSO (El Niño-Southern Oscillation) index by about 0-1 month. All of the results indicate that GDCSM-Argo will be able to provide more detailed of the ocean heat content evolution.

Key words: ocean heat content, GDCSM-Argo, space-time evolution, climate change
