海洋学研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 21-31.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2023.04.003
吕曌1(), 伍志元1,2,3,*(
), 蒋昌波1,3,4, 张浩键1, 高凯1, 颜仁1
伍志元(1989—),男,副教授,主要从事海岸、海洋动力过程及其模拟技术研究,E-mail: 作者简介:
LÜ Zhao1(), WU Zhiyuan1,2,3,*(
), JIANG Changbo1,3,4, ZHANG Haojian1, GAO Kai1, YAN Ren1
基于中尺度大气模式WRF和区域海洋模式ROMS,构建WRF-ROMS海气双向耦合模式,针对2018年超强台风“山竹”进行模拟。利用观测数据对台风路径和强度进行验证,结果表明海气耦合模式对台风“山竹”的模拟相对单一模式有更高的精度,耦合模式得到的台风路径与最佳路径吻合良好,误差控制在60 km以内;获取的风速和海平面气压结果也较单一模式更为准确。基于海气耦合模拟结果,进一步分析台风作用下风场、气压场、海表流场和风暴增水的时空分布特征,结果表明:1)空间分布方面,台风进入南海后,七级风圈半径在台风沿路径右后方较大;气旋式流场与台风风场呈现出显著的埃克曼效应,流向与风向呈45°;风场、气压场、风生流场和增水分布均存在明显的不对称性,台风路径右侧的台风强度、流速和增水均大于左侧。2)时间分布方面,风场与气压场分布特征相似且与台风中心保持同步,流场和近岸风暴增水相对台风路径存在3 h左右的滞后。
吕曌, 伍志元, 蒋昌波, 张浩键, 高凯, 颜仁. 基于海气耦合模式的超强台风“山竹”数值模拟[J]. 海洋学研究, 2023, 41(4): 21-31.
LÜ Zhao, WU Zhiyuan, JIANG Changbo, ZHANG Haojian, GAO Kai, YAN Ren. Numerical investigation of the super typhoon Mangkhut based on the coupled air-sea model[J]. Journal of Marine Sciences, 2023, 41(4): 21-31.
物理选项 | 参数化方案 |
云微物理方案(mp_physics) | WSM 6-class graupel方案 |
长波辐射(ra_lw_physics) | RRTMG方案 |
短波辐射(ra_sw_physics) | RRTMG方案 |
表面层物理选项(sf_sfclay_physics) | Monin-Obukhov方案 |
地表陆面方案(sf_surface_physics) | Noah地表模型 |
行星边界层(bl_pbl_physics) | YSU方案 |
积云参数(cu_physics) | Kain-Fritsch方案 |
表1 WRF模式物理参数化方案配置
Tab.1 Configuration of the physical parameterization schemes in the WRF model
物理选项 | 参数化方案 |
云微物理方案(mp_physics) | WSM 6-class graupel方案 |
长波辐射(ra_lw_physics) | RRTMG方案 |
短波辐射(ra_sw_physics) | RRTMG方案 |
表面层物理选项(sf_sfclay_physics) | Monin-Obukhov方案 |
地表陆面方案(sf_surface_physics) | Noah地表模型 |
行星边界层(bl_pbl_physics) | YSU方案 |
积云参数(cu_physics) | Kain-Fritsch方案 |
图1 耦合模式计算区域及嵌套网格示意图 (蓝色实线表示WRF嵌套网格,红色虚线表示ROMS嵌套网格。)
Fig.1 The simulation domain and nested grids of the coupled air-sea model (The blue solid line represents the WRF nested grid,and the red dashed line represents the ROMS nested grid.)
图3 模式与最佳路径数据集的台风中心气压和近中心最大风速对比 (竖向虚线代表台风登陆时刻。)
Fig.3 Comparison of typhoon central pressure and maximum wind speed from the models with those from the best-track dataset (Vertical dashed line represents the time of typhoon landfall.)
图4 两组试验模拟路径与最佳路径的误差 (竖向虚线代表台风登陆时刻。)
Fig.4 Comparison of the bias of the track simulated by two different models with that from the best-track dataset (Vertical dashed line represents the time of typhoon landfall.)
图5 超强台风“山竹”影响期间风速、海平面气压、潮位测站分布位置示意图
Fig.5 Distribution diagram of wind speed, sea level pressure and tide stations during the influence of super typhoon Mangkhut
图9 台风风场及风生流场的空间分布 (表示台风中心; 表示流场中心。)
Fig.9 Spatial distribution of typhoon wind fields and wind-generated current fields ( represents the typhoon center; represents the center of the flow field.)
图10 特征站点风速、流速以及风向、流向历时曲线对比 (黑色虚线表示台风途经站点时刻。)
Fig.10 Comparison of wind speed and current velocity as well as wind direction and current direction at the stations (The black dotted line indicates the time when the typhoon passes through the stations.)
图12 海表流场和台风引起的风暴增水的空间分布 (表示台风中心; 表示流场中心。)
Fig.12 Spatial distribution of sea surface current fields and surge caused by super typhoon Mangkhut ( represents the typhoon center; represents the center of the flow field.)
图13 特征站点风速、气压、流速及风暴增水历时曲线 (黑色虚线表示台风途经站点时刻。)
Fig.13 Time series of wind speed, pressure, current velocity and storm surge at the stations (The black dotted line indicates the time when the typhoon passes through the stations.)
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