15 March 2013, Volume 31 Issue 1
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Post-rift subsidence anomaly and its mechanism in the Baiyun Sag, Pearl River Mouth BasinFU Jie, LI Ming-bi, TANG Yong, QIU Wen-xian, WANG Hui2013, 31(1):1-15.
Preliminary analyses of the characteristics of Moho undulation and crustal thinning in East China SeaZHOU Zhi-yuan, GAO Jin-yao, WU Zhao-cai, SHEN Zhong-yan, ZHANG Tao, SUN Yun-fan2013, 31(1):16-25.
The relationship between inter-annual variations of summer precipitation in eastern China and latent heat flux in East China SeaLI Cui-hua, CAI Rong-shuo, TAN Hong-jian2013, 31(1):26-34.
Scattering properties of two blooming algae: Skeletonema costatum and Prorocentrum donghaienseSHEN Yu-zhang, MAO Zhi-hua, TAO Bang-yi2013, 31(1):45-52.
Optical characteristics of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) in Changjiang River Estuary and its adjacent sea areasFAN Guan-nan, MAO Zhi-hua, CHEN Peng, WANG Tian-yu, ZHANG Lin2013, 31(1):53-58.
Geographic features of the micro ring depreesions to the south of Changshan Archipelago at the north Yellow SeaLIU Xiao-yu, CHEN Yi-lan, LU Bo, WEN Wu, DONG Li-feng2013, 31(1):59-65.
Anomaly data reconciliation and missing-data repair methods of underwater positioning based on correlation analysisZHANG Kai, CHU Feng-you, BAO Geng-sheng, WU Xue-wen2013, 31(1):66-71.
Determination of different forms of phosphorus in seawater suspended particulate matterLIU Ji-di, CHEN Jian-fang2013, 31(1):72-77.
The research of lead bioaccumulation in four species of seashellGUO Yuan-ming, LIU Qin, GU Jie, YOU Ju-ju, LIU Shi-zhong, SUN Xiu-mei2013, 31(1):78-84.
The theoretical calculations of underwater irradiance of upper water fish aggregation lamps and its optimal allocation in light purse seine vessels for chub mackerel(Scomber japonicus)SHA Feng, QIAN Wei-guo, WU Zhong-qi, CHEN Xing-jun2013, 31(1):85-90.