海洋学研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 22-33.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2023.03.003
刘佳1(), 郑少军1,2,3,*(
), 严厉1,2,3, 陈航彪1, 刘婷甄1
LIU Jia1(), ZHENG Shaojun1,2,3,*(
), YAN Li1,2,3, CHEN Hangbiao1, LIU Tingzhen1
基于1993—2019年海面高度异常数据分析了南澳大利亚海盆表层涡动能的时空变化特征。结果表明,表层涡动能在空间上存在两个高值区,分别位于海盆的西部和东部;在季节尺度上表现为南半球的冬季强,秋季弱,最大值出现在7月(57±9 cm2/s2),最小值出现在3月(40±5 cm2/s2)。涡动能在年际尺度上与ENSO呈显著负相关关系,即在厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)衰退年,涡动能显著减弱(增强),滞后Niño3.4指数9个月;与SAM呈显著正相关关系,滞后SAM指数14个月,即在SAM正(负)位相的次年,涡动能显著增强(减弱)。
刘佳, 郑少军, 严厉, 陈航彪, 刘婷甄. 南澳大利亚海盆表层涡动能的时空特征研究[J]. 海洋学研究, 2023, 41(3): 22-33.
LIU Jia, ZHENG Shaojun, YAN Li, CHEN Hangbiao, LIU Tingzhen. Spatiotemporal variation of surface eddy kinetic energy in the South Australian Basin[J]. Journal of Marine Sciences, 2023, 41(3): 22-33.
图1 南澳大利亚海盆及周边海域环流概念图 (图片根据文献[4]改绘。)
Fig.1 Schematic circulation in the South Australian Basin and adjacent regions (Figure was modified from reference[4].)
图2 基于AVISO的南澳大利亚海盆多年平均表层涡动能空间分布
Fig.2 Multi-year average distribution of surface eddy kinetic energy calculated from AVISO in the South Australian Basin
图3 基于AVISO(1993—2019年)的南澳大利亚海盆月平均表层涡动能异常空间分布
Fig.3 Monthly mean surface EKE anomaly distribution calculated from AVISO in the South Australian Basin during 1993-2019
图4 基于AVISO(1993—2019年)的南澳大利亚海盆月平均表层涡动能变化
Fig.4 Monthly mean variation of surface EKE calculated from AVISO in the South Australian Basin during 1993-2019
图6 南澳大利亚海盆表层涡动能(a)、涡动能异常(b)和一年低通滤波涡动能异常(c)的时间序列
Fig.6 Time series of surface EKE (a), EKE anomaly (b), and one year low-pass filtered EKE anomaly (c), respectively in the South Australian Basin
图7 南澳大利亚海盆一年低通滤波涡动能异常和Ni?o3.4指数(a)、IOB指数(b)、IOD指数(c)及SAM指数(d)的时间变化 (红色表示涡动能正异常,蓝色表示涡动能负异常。)
Fig.7 Time series of one year low-pass filtered EKE anomaly and Ni?o3.4 index (a), IOB index (b), IOD index (c) and SAM index (d) in the South Australian Basin (The red indicates positive EKE anomaly and blue indicates negative EKE anomaly.)
图8 一年低通滤波涡动能异常与Ni?o3.4指数(a)、IOB指数(b)、IOD指数(c)和SAM指数(d)的相关关系 (滞后时间正值表示异常滞后于气候指数,负值表示异常超前于气候指数。虚线为95%的置信水平。)
Fig.8 The correlations between one year low-pass filtered EKE anomaly and Ni?o3.4 index (a), IOB index (b), IOD index (c), and SAM index (d) (The positive value of lag time indicates that EKE anomaly lags the index and a negative value indicates that EKE anomaly leads the index, and dash lines represent 95% confidence level.)
图9 一年低通滤波涡动能异常与Ni?o3.4指数(a)、SAM指数(b)的偏相关关系 (滞后时间正值表示异常滞后于气候指数,负值表示异常超前于气候指数。虚线为95%的置信水平。)
Fig.9 The partial correlations between one year low-pass filtered EKE anomaly and Ni?o3.4 index, after removing the SAM (a), between one year low-pass filtered EKE anomaly and SAM index, after removing the ENSO (b) (The positive value of lag time indicates that EKE anomaly lags the index and a negative value indicates that EKE anomaly leads the index, and dash lines represent 95% confidence level.)
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