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Journal of Marine Sciences 2012 Vol.30
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Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (2): 1-4.  
Abstract56)      PDF (606KB)(21)      
Variation of air-sea heat fluxes over the western Pwarm pool area and its relations with the onset of the South China Sea summer monsoon
ZUO Tao, CHEN Jin-nian, WANG Hong-na
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (2): 5-13.  
Abstract31)      PDF (1743KB)(21)      
Based on the oceanic and atmospheric parameters retrieved from the satellite remote-sensing datawith the neural network method,the air-sea heat fluxes over the western Pacific warm poo area were calculated with the advanced method of CORARE 3.0 bulk algorithm. The variation of multiyear averagedfield and climate field as well as the interannual and interdecadal variation of the air-sea heat fluxes wereanalyzed first,and their relations with the onset of the SCS summer monsoon were discussed primarily. Theresults indicate that the air-sea heat fluxes have obvious characteristics of temporal and spatial distribution.The maximum sensible heat flux occurs in the Kuroshio area,while that of the latent heat flux in the NorthEquator Current and the Kuroshio areas. And the distribution of the averaged annual air-sea heat fluxesshows that both the sensible heat flux and latent heat flux in Kuroshio area have maximum value in winter andminimum value in summer, while the latent heat flux in western Pacific warm pool area has maximum value inautumn and winter,minimum value in spring and summer, and the sensible heat flux has the minimum inspring and basically the same values in other seasons.Furthermore,the air-sea heat fluxes have obviousinterannual and interdecadal variations. Both the sensible heat flux and latent heat flux have l6 a period,which is the same as the SCS summer monsoon onset. The correlation analysis shows that there is a closecorrelation between the air-sea heat fluxes in April in the warm pool area and the onset of SCS summermonsoon three years later.And the lag-correlation could be used to predict the onset of SCS summer monsoonand provide scientific basis for the estimation of precipitation in the flood season.Based on these results,amultivariate regression equation was established to predict the onset of the SCS summer monsoon in 2012,which shows that it will be l~2 pentads later than the normal year.
Spatiotemporal analysis of tropical Pacific barrier layer thickness
JIANG Liang-hong, CHEN Da-ke
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (2): 14-20.  
Abstract49)      PDF (3078KB)(19)      
Based on nine years (2000-2008) of gridded Argo(G-Argo) temperature and salinity data from China Argo Real-time Data Center,the climatological distribution and low-frequency variability of the barrierlayer thickness(BLT) of the tropical Pacific Ocean was analyzed. The climatological mean BLT distribution ischaracterized by relatively large values in the western Pacific warm pool,and three latitudinal bands thatextends from the warm pool to 120°w,centered at approximately 15°N,5°N,12S,respectively. The leadingEOF modes indicate that the low-frequency variability of the tropical Pacific BLT is dominated by seasonal andinterannual signals. For the seasonal time scale,the most pronounced mode is an antiphase BLT pattern atthe latitudinal bands along 15°N and 12'S,with the largest (smallest) thickness in winter (summer) at therespective hemisphere.For the interannual time scale,there are two important modes of BLT variability,onelocated near the eastern boundary of the warm pool with a strong correlation to ENSO, and the other centeredat the middle of the warm pool,probably related to TBO.
Discussion on the temporal variation and forecast of the East Asian monsoon
YAN Ying
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (2): 21-26.  
Abstract67)      PDF (2734KB)(19)      
East Asian monsoon is an important component of the Asian monsoon system.To understand itscharacteristics is crucial for improving the forecast of rain and drought in China and other Asian areas.Basedon the monthly precipitation data from the Global Precipitation Climatology Project(GPCP) and reanalysis data from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP-2),seasonal and interannual varia1onsof the East Asian monsoon were discussed with the East Asian Monsoon Index (EAMI) and Multivariable Empirical Orthogonal Function analysis method(MV-EOF). The result shows that East Asian monsoon hasan evident annual cycle,that is,the summer monsoon prevails from May to September with its peak inAugust,while the winter monsoon reaches the maximum in January. The interannual variation of East Asian Summer Monsoon Index(EASMI)is closely related to the precipitation of the East ASian area.A staiSUcalforecast based on Markov Model to forecast the East Asian Monsoon was made and it successfully forecasted the precipitation anomaly in the summer of 1998 three months ahead of time.
Characteristics of the tide and tidal current off the Sanmen Bay
SHI Peng-fei, XU Dong-feng, WANG Jun, XU Ming-quan
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (2): 27-35.  
Abstract51)      PDF (1193KB)(24)      
Based on the successive data of sea level and current velocity profiles obtained by two bottom-moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) from May to July of 2009 at D8 and D9 stations off the Sanmen Bay, the characteristics of tide and tidal current were investigated with power spectral analysis and harmonic analysis. The results show that the tide is regular semi-diurnal tide, shallow water tides at inshore area of D9 station is much more significant than that at offshore area of D8 station, and that the tide presents the characteristics of tropical tide. The semi-diurnal tidal currents off the Sanmen Bay are the strongest constituents, the tidal currents at different layers have the feature of rotary currents with the ellipticity increasing with depth, and the maximum velocity of both M 2 and K 1 constituents appears in subsurface. The occurrence of the maximum current in the bottom layer is about 30 minutes ahead of that in the middle and surface layers. The semidiurnal constituent in this area is mainly barotropic, while the diurnal one is of baroclinic feature.
Numerical simulation of the influence of Wenzhou coastal dike on storm surge inundation
WU Wei, FU Ci-fu, YU Fu-jiang, LIU Qiu-xing
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (2): 36-42.  
Abstract28)      PDF (6342KB)(21)      
Catastrophic storm surge inundation resulted from 9417 typhoon was simulated with an numerical model of ultrahigh resolution for storm surge inundation which is based on unstructured grid and can calculate the overflow discharge. The results agree well with the observations. Three paths of south, mid and north with that of 9417 typhoon as the south-path and 30 km interval from one another were designed for a series of numerical simulations with the strength of 9417 typhoon, which show that the coastal dike in Wenzhou has enhanced the menace of storm surge and inundation on the city, and the inundation depth caused by the south path and the inundation area caused by the mid path is the most. The reason is that the obstruction and diffluence of the dike on the propagation of the storm surge from open sea at the costal waters and Oujiang river estuary multiply the water transfer into the north side of Oujiang river estuary, the north end of the estuary and its mid and upper reaches.
lopography and evolution of the tidal trench in the eastern Chongming tidal flat, Changjiang River Estuary
LIUJian-hua, YANG Shi-lun, SHI Ben-wei, LUO Xiang-xin, FU Xin-kun
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (2): 43-50.  
Abstract33)      PDF (1443KB)(29)      
Tidal trenchs are important channel for material transport and water energy exchange in theintertidal zone. In this study,TM and ETM remote sensing (RS) images of 1994,2000 and 2009 and GIStechnology were used to define the plane morphology and calculate the length and density of the tidaltrenches;RTK-GPS was used to make in situ measurements of topography for determining a typical tidaltrench development hight,width,depth,width-depth ratio and longitudinal variation of the cross-sectionarea; and GIS was used to establish the DEM model of the trench.The results show that (l) in the easternChongming tidal flat, tidal trenches are developed mainly in the salt marsh,and the northern and middle partsof the tidal flat are dominated by single and slightly curved ones,whereas the southern part by dendritic ones;(2) the total length and density of the tidal trenches in 1994 were 30.9 km and 717 m/km 2 respectively,theydecreased to ll.l km and 459 m/km 2 in 2000 because of reclamation of the upper salt marsh and increased to31.8 km and 98l m/km 3 in 2009 due to seaward silting of the salt marsh,which reflect the impacts of naturalaction and human activities on the flat;(3) not like the typical evolutionary feature of lateral movement inEurope and America,the evolution of the tidal trenches in the eastern Chongming tidal flat is mainlycharacterized by successive longitudinal extension (with the sea ward silting of the salt marsh); (4) from themouth of the tidal trenches upward,the ratio of width to depth decreased from >340 to≤<18,and the depthfirst increased and then decreased. This study shows that 3S technology has advantages over traditionalmethods in quantitative study of large spatial and temporal scale evolution of tidal trenches.
Sediment carrying capacities at the South and North Channels of the Changjiang River Estuary
XU Min, LI Jiu-fa, LI Zhan-hai, YAO Hong-yi, CHEN Wei
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (2): 51-57.  
Abstract30)      PDF (1958KB)(17)      
In recent years,the hydrodynamics and riverbed topography of the Changijiang River Estuary isinevitably experiencing some new changes due to the decrease of the runoff and sediment load.Successive 9-days fixed point observations during neap-mean-spring tide show that the sediment content was relatively lowfor neap tide,increased with the increase of flow velocity and was higher for spring tide,which indicatedevident sediment resuspension.Analysis of the observed data gave out empirical formula of sediment carryingcapacity of neap,mean and spring tides for the South and North Channels of the Changijiang River Estuary, and showed good correlation between the sediment content and tidal current, and also good correspondence oftheir power changes.
Analysis of the sea bed scour and siltation to the west of Daishan channel, Zhoushan
SHEN Yuan, CHEN Rong-hua, ZHAO Qing-ying
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (2): 58-65.  
Abstract60)      PDF (3339KB)(29)      
Based on the underwater topography data of 1979,1996 and 2009, the scour and siltation of the tidal flat, subaqueous shore slope and deep trough to the west of Daishan channel were studied with GIS software for two different periods. The results show that the range of scour and siltation for the most part of the research area was ±1 m from 1979 to 1996, only part of the deep trough was more than 2 m; from 1996 to 2009, the scour and siltation of the tidal flat was similar to that from 1979 to 1996 with a range of -1 ~1 m, but the scour and siltation of the subaqueous shore slope and deep trough was obviously enhanced with an average range of 2 m for the slope and 3 m for the trough. Analysis show that there are two main reasons for the enhancement of the scour of the subaqueous shore slope and deep trough after 1996: the first one is the high flow speed of the Daishan channel and the clay bottom material, and the second is the construction of wharf and jetty at the tidal flat and subaqueous shore slope, which blocked the flow in the shallow water and increased the flow speed in the deep water, which enhanced the scour and siltation of the subaqueous shore slope and deep trough.
Inversion models of chlorophyll α mass concentration in Pearl River Estuary using SAR image
Ll Lu-feng, LIU Xiang-nan, Ll Zhi-bo, MI Yong-hong
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (2): 66-73.  
Abstract54)      PDF (1357KB)(11)      
Base on the Radarsat-2 full polarimetric SAR data and the observed chlorophyll a data from the seasurface of the Pearl River Estuary, and using microwave scattering theory and the Cloude-Pottier theory, theSAR images were decomposed,which resulted in the average scattering angle a and scattering entropies H andVH, VV.HH and HV. A mathematical relationship model between the six parameters and the chlorophyll amass concentration was established using the BP artificial neural network model,and combined with themeasured data the chlorophyll a mass concentration was classified. The results shows that the net workstructure has a good result of the inversion to the chlorophyll a mass concentration when the hidden layernodes is 9,the transmit function of the input layer and the hidden layer is tansig and logsig respectively andthe learning rate and the momentum coefficient are both 0.2,namely, the determination coefficient betweenthe measured data and the predicted data of the chlorophyll a mass concentration (R 2) is 0.826. When themodel was applied to two images of different period for verification,it worked well, and the results were ingood accordance with the actual situation.
Effect of infection by three pathogenic vibrios on the seven enzymes activity in Pseudosciaena crocea
GE Ming-feng, LI Si-yuan, WANG Guo-liang
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (2): 74-80.  
Abstract59)      PDF (734KB)(17)      
The ulcer disease of the large yellow croaker is mainly caused by Vibrio alginolyticus, V. harveyi and V. parahaemolyticus. In order to understand the immune response mechanism of resistance to pathogen infection of the large yellow croaker and provide important theoretical basis for their disease prevention, healthy croakers were divided into tree experimental groups injected with 0.2 mL V. harveyi, V. alginolyticus and V. parahaemolyticus respectively, and one control group with the same dose of sterile saline. Then samples were taken at the 0, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th and 20th days after infection, and the activity of 7 different immunity-related enzymes in the serum were measured and the differences of effect on large yellow croaker by the three pathogenic vibrios were compared. The results showed that from 1 to 10 days after infection, the activity of LSZ, ACP, POD and MPO in Pseudosciaena crocea's serum increased in the first few days, then decreased and increased again, and reached unanimity finally. The experiments also indicated that different pathogens had time-difference effect, and that AKP was more sensitive to V. harveyi infection, while ACP, POD and MPO were more sensitive to V. alginolyticus infection and LSZ and PO were more sensitive to V. parahaemolyticus infection.
Histopathological and ultrapathological study on kidneyintumesce of American red drum,sciaenops ocellatus
PENG Di, ZHU Wen-yuan, WANG Guo-liang
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (2): 81-85.  
Abstract36)      PDF (1624KB)(14)      
The heart,spleen,kidney,liver,intestine and gill from Sciaenops ocellatus infected with kidneyintumesce were pathologically analyzed by tissue slice and ultramicrocut electron microscopy techniques,so asto study the pathological changes of the tissues and the pathogenic mechanism of this disease.The anatomicalsymptoms of the diseased Sciaenops ocellatus are body surface ulceration,some lumps on the pterygiophore ofsome diseased fish,distinctly enlarged kidney (some 10 times as large as the normal one),enlarged liver,spleen and gallbladder, and white nodules on the viscera of some diseased fish.Histopathology shows that themain manifestations were typical granuloma,infiltration of large amount of inflammatory cells,rupture andnecrosis of the tubular wall of the renal tubule,parenchyma hyperemia and vacuolar degeneration of theparenchymal cells in the liver,and abundant diseased erythrocyte appeared in the spleen with hyperemia andfatty degeneration. Ultrastructure pathology shows serious apoptosis of the epithelial cells of the kidneyproximal tubule,sparse and ruptured brush border in the renal tubule,serious necrosis and blurredboundaries of the liver sell,and expansion of the splenic sinus of the spleen tissue,as well as abundantapoptosis cells of erythrocyte and lymphocytes. The results indicate that pathological changes widely occur intissue cells of the kidney intumesce Sciaenops ocellatus and cause serious damage to the body organs,whichmakes the infected fish lose normal physiological metabolism and died at last.
18S rDNA and Co I gene sequence analysis of 10 crabs and study of their molecular phylogeny
XING Bing-peng, LIN Rong-cheng, XU Xian-zhong, NIU Wen-tao
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (2): 86-92.  
Abstract32)      PDF (753KB)(12)      
Using molecular phylogenetic methodology with gene sequence fragments of 18S rDNA and subunitl of C enzyme oxide of mitochondrial dell pigment(CO I) as the molecular mark and combined withmorphological character,evolutionary history of selected brachyuran crabs were discussed. Totally 10 18SrDNA sequnces and 5 CO I gene fragments were obtained by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR),andsummited to the Genebank. The length of 18S rDNA sequences from 10 crabs,ranges from 1 780 to l787 bp,in which the shortest one is Hemigrapsus sinensis, the longest one is Parthenope validus. In the 18S rDNAsequnces, the average content of base A,T,G and C is 23.72%,24.58%,24.52%,and 27.17% separately.Sequence alignment shows that 18S rDNA sequences are relatively conservative,containing only onehypervariable region of about 50 bp between 88 bp and 130 bp. The base distance of the species is very small,from 0.001 to 0.017.The phylogenetic trees of 18S rDNA give molecular biological proof for the same originof Grapsioidea,Ocypodioidea and Portunoidea, and also support moving the Helice crab from Sesarminae toVaruninae.The length of mitochondrial DNA sequence from 5 charybdis crabs is 709 bp,and the averagecontent of the base A,T,G and C is 26.88%,37.62%,17.50% and 18.00%separately.The fragment ofco I gene has high species variability,more suitable for the study of the interspecific evolutionary history.The base distance of the charybdis is long,from 0.016 to 0.138.The phylogenetic trees of CO I gene truereflect the evolutionary relations of different charybdis species and are concordant with traditional taxology.This provides a molecular method for the identification of charybdis species of similar morphologicalcharact ers.
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (3): 1-4.  
Abstract69)      PDF (918KB)(48)      
East Asian Winter Monsoon records from the mud area,northern shelf of the South China Sea over the last 3 ka
GE Qian, CHU Feng-you, YE Li-ming, XU Dong
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (3): 5-11.  
Abstract81)      PDF (1440KB)(155)      
Environment Sensitive Grain-Size Component (ESGSC) extracted from grain-size data of core ZJ2 from the mud area, northern shelf of the South China Sea, can be used to indicate the variations of East Asian Winter Monsoon (EAWM),with high (low) content/ mean-size of ESGSC denoting the strong (weak) EAWM. Combined with AMS 14C datings,core ZJ2 implies 8 strong EAWM periods over the last 3 ka, which corresponds well to climatic change records in Greenland ice core and nearby area. The result shows regional impact of the global climatic change.
Preliminary study on amelioration of coastal saline alkali soil with citric acid industrial wastewater
GU Ying-ying, YU Xiang-quan, WANG Ze, ZHAO Dong-feng, ZHANG Xiu-xia
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (3): 12-18.  
Abstract76)      PDF (1044KB)(34)      
Coastal soil salinization has become one of the most important land problems all over the world. It is very urgent now to ameliorate and take use of the saline-alkali soils effectively. In this paper,citric acid industrial wastewater after pretreatment was used to ameliorate a saline-alkali soil collected from a coastal oil factory in Dongying City,China. The effects and feasibility of saline-alkali soil amelioration with citric acid industrial wastewater were preliminary analyzed based on the variation of physicochemical properties of the soil before and after irrigation process. Results of the experiments showed that pH and electrical conductivity of soil solution decreased after citric acid industrial wastewater irrigation; saturated water ratio of the soil increased compared to tap water irrigation; organic matter content and the total nitrogen content increased significantly. All the changes indicated that the physicochemical properties and nutrition conditions of the saline-alkali soil were improved after the citric acid industrial wastewater irrigation. It can be concluded that citric acid industrial wastewater may be used as an effective enhancement agent of saline alkali soils, which achieves the goal of “waste treatment by waste”.
Evolution of the Boao tidal inlet, Hainan Province and calculation of the longshore sediment transport
HUANG Bao-xia, GONG Wen-ping, Wen Jing
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (3): 19-29.  
Abstract85)      PDF (2829KB)(56)      
Based on the collected remote sensing and wave measurement data, this study investigated the interannual and seasonal evolution of the Boao tidal inlet, Hainan Province. The annual and seasonal longshore sediment transport was calculated based on CERC formula. The results show that on the time scale of inter-annually, the inlet throat is subject to a shrink due to the propagation of sand spits on its southern and northern sides. This decrease of inlet throat is interrupted by storm river discharge brought by typhoons during the wet season in the region. Based on the sand mass conservative law, the longshore sediment transport is inversely estimated. The magnitude of thus obtained sediment transport is similar to that based on CERC formula, although some discrepancy exists, which indicates the formula is adapted to Boao.
Air-sea CO 2 flux in the East China Sea estimated by empirical formula based on the parameters of
LI Yi, HE Hai-lun, CHEN Da-ke
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (3): 30-40.  
Abstract45)      PDF (3175KB)(24)      
Using the empirical formula of TSUNOGAI et al, a preliminary study was made on the climatological distribution and seasonal variation of the sea surface pCO 2 and air-sea CO 2 flux in the East China Sea,and the influence of sea surface temperature, salinity, phosphate concentration and wind speed. The formula was based on environmental parameters ( sea surface temperature, salinity and phosphate concentration). The data used were from WOA09 ( monthly mean climatological sea surface temperature, salinity and phosphate concentration) ,Globalview ( atmospheric pCO 2 ) and NCEP ( monthly mean wind speed). The spatial distribution of the calculated pCO 2 maintains a gradually increasing trend from the northwest to the southeast while its magnitude varies significantly with seasons, lower in spring and winter, higher in summer and autumn. Space-time pattern of the CO 2 flux varies obviously, the continental shelf region as a whole is the convergence of CO 2 from atmosphere, while the Kuroshio region is the source. The convergence intensity gradually weakens from the northwest to the southeast and that of source strengthens from the north to the south. The East China Sea uptake CO 2 from atmosphere in spring and winter while release CO 2 to atmosphere in summer and autumn.
Analysis of seasonal change of the sea surface pCO 2 in the East China Sea shows that SST is its main controlling factor. They change in the same phase, reache the maximum in summer and minimum in winter. In the Kuroshio area, salinity and phosphate concentration remains stable all the year round, their seasonal variations could be neglected and the variation of pCO 2 is completely controlled by temperature. In the continental shelf area, the changes of salinity and phosphate concentration are contrary to that of temperature,but the magnitude is relatively low. The seasonal change of pCO 2 is still controlled by SST in most of the months except June,July and December,when the role of salinity and phosphate concentration tops that of SST.
For the East China Sea as a whole, the CO 2 flux changes with the wind speed from April to October, indicating that the wind speed is the leading role in the air-sea CO 2 exchange. During this period, the wind speed changes significantly due to monsoon conversion, which has great impacts on the CO 2 flux. From November to March, the CO 2 flux changes with sea surface pCO 2, when the wind speed remains high all along and pCO 2 varies significantly. In the continental shelf area, the surface pCO 2 remains lower than the atmosphere pressure all along,and the CO 2 flux is smaller than zero, its magnitude is closely related to the wing speed,and obviously high in winter except for a relatively high value in July associated with the strengthening of summer monsoon. The CO2 flux in the Kuroshio area is year-round positive and has a maximum in June-July and October-November respectively. The extreme value in June-July is closely related to summer monsoon enhancement,while that in October-November to the start of the winter monsoon and wind speed enhancement. It should be noted that though the wind speed is strong in winter, the CO 2 flux is not great because of comparatively low surface pCO 2. The variation of CO 2 flux in Kuroshio area is controlled by both wind speed and surface pCO 2.
Analysis on the relations between Sea surface temperature and phytoplankton Chlorophyll-a in the South China Sea
LIN Li-ru, ZHAO Hui
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (3): 41-48.  
Abstract88)      PDF (3645KB)(35)      
Based on the Sea WiFS derived chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) mass concentration and TRMM sea-surface temperature data from September 1997 to February 2007 from the South China Sea (SCS), seasonal variations of Chl-a and its relationship with sea surface temperature (SST) were studied. The results show that the Chl-a mass concentration of the SCS has remarkable seasonal variability. Generally the lowest phytoplankton biomass (<0. 12 mg·m -3) occurs in spring or summer with low wind speed and high SST (>28 °C), while the highest Chl-a (>0. 16 mg·m -3) occurs in winter with the strongest monsoon wind and low SST (<27 °C). The linear regression analysis shows that Chl-a mass concentration has obvious negative correlations with SST. Though the correlations level is different for the 4 typical sub regions of the south, central, and west SCS and the northwest of the Luzon Strait, the consistent negative correlations imply that the Chl-a mass concentration and phytoplankton biomass are controlled by vertical stratification reflected by the temperature variation. The SST is a key factor influencing the upper ocean stability and the strength of vertical exchanges, and thus controlling the variations of nutrients and phytoplankton.
The underground water hydrochemical characteristics in eastern and southern coasts of the Laizhou Bay
SU Qiao, YU Hong-jun, XU Xing yong, YAO Jing
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (3): 49-53.  
Abstract84)      PDF (846KB)(52)      
The chemical composition of underground water samples in the coast area of Laizhou Bay was analyzed. The results show that: (1)the correlative coefficient among Na +、Cl -and TDS of the underground water reached significant level in seawater intrusion area in eastern and southern coasts of the Laizhou Bay, while that in the underground fresh water was much less. The correlative coefficient among K +、Ca 2+、Mg 2+、SO 2- 4 and TDS of the underground water in seawater intrusion area reached a high level; (2)according to the characteristics of ionic ratio, the degree of ion exchange of the groundwater in the seawater intrusion area of southern Laizhou Bay is generally higher than that in the eastern coast, and its history of desalination is also longer than that in the eastern coast; (3) relative error between the calculated values of TDS by using the data of electrical conductivity and the the measured values was vary small in the coast area of Laizhou Bay, so the electrical conductivity was suggested as a substitute indicator for TDS.
Determination of vertical deflection over China seas and their vicinity from the multi-satellite altimetric data
WAN Jian-hua, WANG Li-juan, FAN Chen-qing, YANG Jun gang
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (3): 54-59.  
Abstract46)      PDF (2460KB)(39)      
Based on EGM2008 gravity field model, together with multi-satellite altimetric data,including T/P,new T/P,Jason-l,new Jason-l,Jason-2,Geosat/GM, Geosat/ ERM,Envisat RA-2,ERS-1/ERM and ERS-2/ERM data,the along-track vertical deflections was obtained with the primary difference of two successive geoidal heights. Then according to the least square principle, the meridional component and prime vertical component of the vertical deflections gridded in 2'X2' for China seas and their vicinity(0°~42°N,102°~138°E) were determined. When computing the vertical deflection of the grid point with along track vertical deflections, discrete measurement points in the 4' X 4' region around the grid point were used. The normal equation was easy to be ill-conditioned because the determinant of ATPA is close to zero. In this paper the solution of the observation equation was obtained with the method of computing minimum norm invers. The result was compared with the data of EGM2008 model, the corresponding RMS of the difference is 0. 91” at meridian component and 0. 27”at prime vertical component, and compared with the data of EIGEN_ CG01C model, the corresponding RMS of the difference is 1. 98”at meridian and 2.54" at prime vertical. The vertical deflection data computed in this paper and the data of EGM2008 model were respectively compared with EIGEN_ CG01C model,and the comparison results were roughly the same. It shows that the calculated resulst and EGM2008 model are matched in accuracy. We also analyzed the points with lager error compared with the EGM2008 model, and mapped the distribution of the points with differences greater than 10” at meridian and 5” at prime vertical respectively. It is found that almost all points having lager error were located in the coastal waters or near the islands, this is because the altimeter echo signals were disturbed in the coastal waters and near the islands.
Rare earth elements geochemical characteristics of natural gas hydrates in Shenhu Area of the northern South China Sea
WANG Yan-mei, HAN Bing, WU Neng-you, ZHAO Ming-hui
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (3): 60-68.  
Abstract44)      PDF (2141KB)(50)      
The REE geochemical characteristics bear much information about the provenance and sedimentary environment of natural gas hydrate. The REE contents and patterns of the sedimentary samples from stations SHW2 and SHW7 in Shenhu Area of the northern South China Sea were analyzed by ICP-MS. The results show that the average REE contents of samples from SHW2 and SHW7 are close to average REE content in upper continental crust. Analysis on LREE and HREE shows that there are significant fractionations in sediments. The REE patterns of two stations are similar. These characteristics are close to REE pattern in the upper continental crust and post-Archean Australian shale (PAAS). It indicates that sediments of the hydrate area inherit characteristics of their provenance, which are mainly from terrigenous rocks. The profile charts of REE parameters of stations SHW2 and SHW7 show that there is much positive correlation amoung EREE,LREE and HREE,and there is negative correlation between δCe and δEu. It can be inferred that the sedimentary provenances of the two stations have similarity.
Numerical simulation of sea dikes breaching flood in the reclamation
XIE Chang fei, SUN Zhi-lin, Miao Bin, XU Xue feng
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (3): 69-75.  
Abstract70)      PDF (3136KB)(26)      
Study on sea dikes breaching flood of the reclamation was carried out by means of numerical simulation in this thesis. The numerical model was based on the finite volume algorithm, which applied the HLI approximate Riemann solver to compute the numerical flux. A computational case study was presented of the flooding in a reclamation project of Zhejiang,where the flooded area and depth varying with time were obtained. The boundary condition of sea dikes breaching flow was taken by a constant water level, which is 20-year high tide level combined with the same frequency maximum wave height under the most unfavorable conditions. The model simulated the flooding in different locations of sea dikes failure successfully and the result shows that the submerged area and submerged depth rises quickly at the beginning of sea dikes breaching, and then the advance speed of flood tends to slow down,the average depth is followed by three stages of development: a slight decline, a dramatic rise and a small increase. The average depth for the south dike breaching flood is higher than that under the east dike-break case by 0.3~0.5 m at the same moment, so is the catastrophe and risk. The movement of flood caused by double breaching locations was further analysed. The flood spends only 60 minutes to overwhelm the reclamation, and the submerged depth rises to l.7 m after 4 hours. In the southeast, the convergence area between two sea dikes breaching flow, heavy personnel casualty will be caused, but the people in the rest area will have 15 minutes to escape the flood. In addition,the impact of roughness range from plus 15 per cent to minus 15 per cent on the flood was discussed. It is concluded that the differences between the maximum and minimum of average depth and submerged area reached 20 and 14 percent, respectively. This research will be of great practical significance to reduce the loss of sea dikes breaching accident as well as raise the management standard in the construction period and running period, which aims to provide the base of safety design and risk assessment of reclamation project.
Modeling study on water quality ecology in Changjjiang River Estuary and its adjacent areas during dry season
YANG Yang, WU Xiao-yan, GUAN Wei-bing
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (3): 76-88.  
Abstract56)      PDF (5240KB)(26)      
An integrated model system that combines POM,a viscous sediment model and a water quality ecological model was applied to Changjiang River Estuary and its adjacent areas. The computational domain covered an area of 29°00'~33° 30' N, 120°00'~ 125°10' E with a mesh grid which has a finest horizontal resolution of 998 m and average of 2 789 m. In vertical, the grid was divided into 11 sigma layers. The model system was initialized and driven by averaged hydrometeorological conditions of the dry season from November to April. The runoff of the Changjiang Riveris given by the perennial average from December to April,with an average discharge of 15 200 m 3/s and that for the Qiantang River was set as 925 m 3/s. At the open boundary, eight tidal components were calculated, that is Q 1,O,P 1, K 1,N 2,M 2,S 2 and K 2 and the amplitudes and phase lags were interpolated from the results of OTPS. The sediment mass concentration from the upper stream of the Changjiang and Qiantang Riversis 0. 547 kg/m 3 and 0. 2 kg/m 3,respectively. The biochemical elements for the upper streams of the two rivers were DIN 100 imol/L,DIP 0.7 imol/L, detrital organic matter of N 1. 0 imol/L,detrital organic matter of P 0. 08 imol/L, phytoplankton N 1. 2 imol/L, zooplankton N 0. 4 imol/L, and dissolved oxygen 8. 62 mg/L. On the off-sea open boundary, all the scalar fields use the approach given by Thatcher-Harleman boundary conditions at the hypothesis that the scalar field values outside the domain all remain the initial set values, and the time lag is set as 2 h.
According to the observed data in March 2003,high DIN concentration occurred near the Changjiang Estuary and Hangzhou bay and the value near the surface is 65 imol/L while that of the bottom layer is a little bit higher with the highest value of 80 imol/L near the bottom. For the modeling result, the highest DIN concentration zone matches with the observation data only the value is greater than 50 imol/L at the surface. According to the observed data in March 2003,the highest surface DIP concentration is approximately 0. 8 imol/L and that at the bottom approaches 1 imol/L. In the modeling results, the high concentration zones of DIP are not only in the Changjiang River Estuary and Hangzhou bay,but also in other areas off the Zhejiang Province and DIP concentration near the surface is 0. 75 imol/L, a little bit lower than that near the bottom, which matches well with the observed data. Chlorophyll a is usually used to represent the phytoplankton. The observed data of chlorophyll a in March 2003 indicates that there's little difference between the mass concentration near surface and bottom while the highest chlorophyll a mass concentration zone is located to the north of Changjiang River Estuary and comparatively high mass concentration zone at the open sea near the Zhoushan Islands. According to the observed data in November 2002,the zone of highest chlorophyll a mass concentration near surface is located near 30°~31°N,123°E and the zone of highest chlorophyll a mass concentration near the surface is distinctly different from that near the bottom. The modeling result of chlorophyll a doesn't match with the observed data, which may be caused by the transparency of the seawater. Because chlorophyll a was measured with fluorescence method, it's affected badly by the suspended sediment. Comparisons above show that the modeling results match well with the distributions of temperature, salinity, suspended sediment, inorganic nitrogen and inorganic phosphorus both horizontally and vertically, which indicates that the model system has simulated the key processes of hydrodynamics, siltation and water quality ecology in the computational domain.
Finally,three numerical experiments were run to check the modeling response to the change of initial conditions, which led to some helpful conclusions. For example, the high concentration zone of chlorophyll a is in the Changjiang River Estuary with a much higher value if the impact of suspended sediment on the light intensity is not considered. This indicates the great suppression on the growth of phytoplankton by sediment. If only the imput of DIN and detrital organic matter of nitrogen from the two rivers into the area was decreased by 50%,the modeling results of phytoplankton distribution in the surface layer is almost the same as that from standard operation test. But if only the imput of DIP and detrital organic matter of phosphorus from the two rivers into the area was decreased by 50% while keep the DIN value in the standard operation test unchanged, the resulted peak chlorophyll a mass concentration changed little. These three numerical experiments indicate that during dry season, the nutrients of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorous in the Changjiang River Estuary and its adjacent area are surplus especially the former. Even half of the input of the terrigenous inorganic nutrients is still surplus. The factor that controls the growth of phytoplankton is not nutrients but the high mass concentration silt that has great impacts on the light intensity and thus on the growth of phytoplankton.
Shoreline migration and scour-and-fill alternation in the Lingdingyang estuary over past 30 a
YAO Cai-hua, WU Zi-yin
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (3): 89-100.  
Abstract89)      PDF (7059KB)(329)      
Based on the Krig gridding method, 4D space-time terrain models of Lingdingyang estuary were constructed for two years of 1990 and 2008 respectively. And then, the Lingyingyang estuary can be divided into 5 regions of Humen region, Qi’ao island region, Lingdingyang shallow shoal region, Lingding waterway region and marginal region of Tonggu waterway, the shoreline migration and scour-and-fill space-time alternation in all these five regions since 1975 were quantitatively analyzed, combining with 210Pb dating method. It had found that the land area of whole region had increased 216. 0 km 2 ,the water area had decreased 84.6 km 2, and the tidal-flat area had decreased 131. 4 km 2,the holding capacity of water area had reduced 19 783.7X10 4 m 3,the mean annual silting quantity had reached 477. 4 X 10 4 m 3,and the whole estuary was silting and atrophying constantly. The annual silting quantities of the 5 regions were-236.6X10 4,135.3X10 4, 663.7X10 4,-452.7X10 4 and 367.7X 10 4 m 3 respectively, while the mean silting velocity Were-4.46,0.93,1.27,-5.49 and 2.93 cm/a respectively. The total depths in Humen region and Lingding waterway region had increased while those in other regions had decreased. The silting extent in marginal region of Tonggu waterway was significant. The main reason of the increasing water depth in Humen region is natural degradation and manual sand digging while the deepening in Lingding waterway region is the result of artificial desilting. Tonggu waterway is a new digged artificial channel. Influenced by manual dredging mud, water depths at both sides of each channels decreased apparently. But the changes of water depths in other regions were the results of natural evolution of delta. With the fast development of economics at two sides of Lingdingyang estuary, the manual activity had been the main factor for the evolution of seafloor relief and landform in this region.
Palynological records and paleoclimate of Core SA09-040 in the South of South China Sea
ZHANG Yu-lan, PENG Xue-chao, JA Li, DAI Lu
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (3): 101-106.  
Abstract48)      PDF (927KB)(37)      
According to the high resolution pollen record in the Core SA09-040 which was taken in the low latitude of the South China Sea,four pollen zones have been divided in ascending order. Based on the pollen composition change, the vegetation evolution and climate change since 22. 25 Ka B P were reconstructed. The research result shows that the pollen mainly came from the Borneo and nearby islands. In Pollen zone 1(22. 25~16.6 Ka B P),the low mountain rainforest were luxuriant, the climate was warm to hot. Judged from the dating result, the age was the late stage of the Last glacial period. Pollen zone 2(16. 6~10. 82 Ka B P,the Last deglaciation) shows that the vegetation were mainly tropical low mountain rainforest and lowland rainforest. There were many conifer pines. The temperature was lower than that of now. Pollen zone 3(the early stage of Holocene, 10. 82~6. 43 Ka B P)shows that the vegetation were mainly tropical low mountain rainforest and lowland rainforest. The conifer pines were fewer than that in Pollen zone 2,the temperature was higher than before, the sea-level rose. Pollen zone 4(the middle or late Holocene, 6. 43Ka B P to now) shows that the middle stage of Holocene was hot and wet, and at the late stage of the Holocene, the vegetation in Borneo was similar to the environment of now. The climate was hot and wet.
Study on the features of water exchange in Xiangshangang Bay
PENG Hui, YAO Yan-ming, LIU Lian
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (4): 1-12.  
Abstract57)      PDF (4189KB)(50)      
The water exchange and its spatial and temporal variation in the Xiangshangang Bay were studied with an advection-diffusion water exchange numerical model. The model is based on the well-verified three-dimensional baroclinic model for hydrodynamic process and dissolved conservative material was used as the tracer. The initial tracer concentration was set to 1 mg/L inside the bay and 0 mg/L outside the bay and at the open boundaries inflow. According to the tracer concentration, half-life time and mean residence time of the water mass at different points of the bay were calculated, and the contribution of baroclinic power to the water exchange was studied by comparison with that at barotropic model. The results show that the water exchange, to the east of the Xize section, is fast with a half-life time of 5 days and a mean residence time of about 15 days. While the half-life time and mean residence time to the east of the Xihugang inlet are 15~20 days and 25 days separately. And the section near the Wusha Mountain has a half-life time of about 25 days and a mean residence time of about 30 days. Moreover, water exchange in the top of the bay is even slower, with a half-life time of 30~ 35 days and a mean residence time of 35~ 40 days in Tiegang harbor and Huangdungang harbor. The result shows that, both the half-life time and mean residence time increase gradually from the mouth to the top of the Xiangshangang Bay, suggesting the water exchange rate and governing mechanism differ spatially in the Bay. The region between the mouth of the bay and Xize is an area of strong tidal current, where the water flows out with the ebb current and mixes with the water outside, then flows back into the bay with flood current. So the exchange rate here is quite high, and the water closer to the mouth is mixed more fully. However, the inner part of the Xiangshangang Bay is dominated by gravitational circulation and tidal oscillation, where the mixing is much weaker and the period of water exchange is much longer than that in the outer part of the bay. The comparison of the water exchange in barotropic model with that in baroclinic model shows that the baroclinic hydrodynamic power has; considerable influence on the water exchange process inside the Xiangshangang Bay, and that the gravitational circulation and water stratification increase obviously the exchange rate, while, it has little effect on the outside part of the bay where it is controlled by advection and tidal diffusion.
A preliminary study of the wave energy resources in the sea adjacent to Zhejiang
YE Qin, YANG Zhong liang, SHI Wei-yong
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (4): 13-19.  
Abstract53)      PDF (3515KB)(92)      
Taking the year of 2000 as an example, the ocean waves in the sea adjacent to Zhejiang were simulated using SWAN model, and the wave power was calculated. Firstly, average annual and monthly wave power distributions were analyzed. The results show that the wave power is about 2~6 kW·m -1 in the sea adjacent to Zhejiang,and increases seaward. Due to the effect of monsoon its seasonal variation is obvious far from the coast while it is not so obvious near the coast. Secondly, through analysis of wave joint distribution of wave height and period which corresponds respectively to wave occurrence frequency and wave power, we compare the wave power joint distribution of wave height and period in the sea area of northern,middle and southern Zhejiang. A parameter of ‘wave power ratio’ was introduced, which represents the proportion of cumulated wave power during one year within a range of wave height and period. Generally, the wave height and period range of big‘ wave power ratio’ and high wave occurrence frequency is very close but not completely the same. The range of big ‘wave power ratio’ and high wave occurrence frequency are relatively close in the sea area of northern Zhejiang,but the corresponding mean wave power is comparatively low, while the corresponding mean wave power of the rang of big ‘wave power ratio’ in the sea area of southern Zhejiang is high, but a little bit different from the range of high wave occurrence frequency. The situation in the sea area of middle Zhejiang is in between that off northern and southern Zhejiang. In general,there are abundant wave energy resources off Zhejiang, and the yearly wave occurrence frequency of exploitable wave energy is quite high.
Variations of the Beaufort Gyre and depositional responses in the Arctic Ocean since the 350 ka
YE Li-ming, GE Qian, YANG Kehong, XU Dong
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (4): 20-28.  
Abstract105)      PDF (2682KB)(102)      
The Beaufort Gyre was usually suggested as a main factor to control the residence time and moving direction of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean. Based on records of sediment color cycle, Mn content and foraminiferal abundance, we built up the orbital timescale for the core B85-D from the Alpha Ridge, and discussed variations of ice-rafted debris (IRD> 154 μm) in content, composition and provenance since the Late Quaternary. The results suggest that the most distinct variations occurred during the last glacial (MIS2 ~4) as remarked by the near zero contents of calcium and dolomite, indicating that the carbonate debris from Banks Is., Victoria Is. and District of Mackenzie did not deposit at the Alpha Ridge. The carbonate debris, transported by sea ice, was most likely heading to the Eurasian Basin along the off shore of the North America during the last glacial, when the Beaufort Gyre vanished. In contrast, the carbonate debris was mostly trapped in the Amerasian Basin during the last interglacial (MIS5), when the Beaufort Gyre became strong so as to deposit relatively high content of calcium and dolomite, which was up to 16. 4%. By comparison, is it indicated that the state of the Beaufort Gyre during the MIS6 was closely analogous to that during the MIS2~4,but its state during the glaials MIS8 and MIS10 similar to its state during the interglacial MIS5. Therefore,variations in the Beaufort Gyre are not strictly characterized by the glacial-interglacial cycles, which we speculate, to be modulated by the sea ice concentrationas well as the wind pressure.
Biomarker and organic carbon isotope geochemistry of cobalt-rich crust in the Mid-Pacific seamounts and its palaeoenvironmental significance
LI Xue-fu, WU Guang-hai, LIU Jie-hong, ZHANG Hong
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (4): 29-36.  
Abstract33)      PDF (1527KB)(52)      
The cobalt-rich (Co-rich) crust sample KXD28 was obtained from Mid-Pacific seamounts during DY105-12,14 cruise. The contents of soluble organic matter ( chloroform bitumen “A”) and its group compositions ( saturated hydrocarbon, aromatic hydrocarbons and resin),n-alkanes and isoprenoid hydrocarbon were analyzed quantitatively using gas chromatography (GC) internal standard method. Total organic carbon ( TOC) and organic carbon isotope ( δ 13C) in the cobalt-rich crusts were also detected. Compared with the analyzed results from the sediments nearby metallogenic zone, and using the abundance data of organic matter composition recorded in the crust layer and in the seafloor sediments, the ecological environment of seamounts in the past, as well as the Co-rich crust forming environment and evolution characteristics were studied. Finally, the relationship between the composition of the crust and the environment of growth was investigated. And our principal conclusions show that: (1) The biomarkers of n-alkanes and isoprenoid hydrocarbons were detected in Co-rich crusts. According to the molecular characteristics index,main peak of carbon, EnC23 - /EnC24 +,CPI, Pr/Ph,Pr/nC17 and Ph/nC18, it is indicated that crust sample KXD28 was originated mainly from the sinking or floating hydrophily macrophytes and homonemeaes with less terrigenous materials. The organic carbon isotopes also matched with the carbon isotope characteristics of marine aquatic organisms; (2) The changes of the organic carbon isotopes of crust were consistent with the changes of marine environment and climate during the crusts’growth. Before crusts formed, and in the early period of crusts’ growth, δC changed from positive to negative, corresponding to global cooling and Antarctic Bottom Water flowing into Pacific. During the late period of crusts’ growth, δ 13C turned positive gradually, related to global warming and Antarctic Bottom Water receding.
The EOF analysis on the profile change of tidal flat among groins
GUO Feng-xia, QIU Jian-li, WU Song-hua, GUO Guo-ming
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (4): 37-45.  
Abstract47)      PDF (2210KB)(73)      
The Empirical Orthogonal Function analysis (EOF analysis) is often used to analyze the raw data based on the multivariate statistical method. This method was applied to analyze the evolution of muddy tidal flat after the construction of the groins located in Zhejiang Rui'an. In the paper, the deviation matrix was split to the spatial and temporal eigenfunctions. The linear combination of three main empirical eigenfunctions was used to reflect the topographic change of tidal flat, which represent the overall change, seasonal change and accidental disturbance of the tidal flat respectively. In order to get general laws of muddy tidal evolution after the establishment of the groins, the relationship between dynamic process and geomorphology was discussed preliminary in this paper. Based on the coastal dynamic geomorphology theory, the factors that impact the tidal flat change in both spatial and temporal were discussed and the dynamic relationship between geomorphology and impact factors was analyzed. The second eigenfunction corresponding dynamic process was expounded in detail, and the result shows that wave is the main factor affecting the seasonal variation of muddy tidal flat in Zhejiang Rui' an.
Analysis on the relations between sea surface temperature and phy toplankton Chlorophyll-a in the South China Sea
LIN Li-ru, ZHAO Hui
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (4): 46-54.  
Abstract170)      PDF (3757KB)(103)      
Based on the Sea WiFS-derived chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) mass concentration and TRMM sea-surface temperature data from September 1997 to February 2007 from the South China Sea (SCS),seasonal variations of Chl-a and its relationship with sea surface temperature (SST) were studied. The results show that the Chl-a mass concentration of the SCS has remarkable seasonal variability. Generally the lowest phytoplankton Chl-a mass concentration(<0. 12 mg·m -3) occurs in spring or summer with low wind speed and high SST (>28 C), while the highest Chl-a mass concentration (>0. 16 mg·m -3) occurs in winter with the strongest monsoon wind and low SST (<27 C). The linear regression analysis shows that Chl-a mass concentration has obvious negative correlations with SST. Though the correlations level is different for the 4 typical sub-regions of the south,central, and west SCS and the upwelling zone southeast of V ietnam,the consistent negative correlations imply that the Chl-a mass concentration and phytoplankton biomass are controlled by vertical stratification reflected by the temperature variation. The SST is a key factor influencing the upper ocean stability and the strength of vertical exchanges, and thus controlling the variations of nutrients and phytoplankton.
Seasonal distributions of organic and inorganic particulate in the surface-layer over the shelf of the East China Sea
CUI Qian-fang, PAN De-lu, BAI Yan, HE Xian-qiang
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (4): 55-64.  
Abstract58)      PDF (4346KB)(50)      
Using the data of suspended particulate matter mass concentration measured in four seasonal cruises of spring in May to June 2011,summer in August 2009,autumn from November to December 2010,and winter from December 2009 to J anuary 2010,seasonal distributions of the suspended organic and inorganic matters in the surface-layer over the shelf of the East China Sea (ECS) were analyzed. The results show that the mass concentration of total suspended particulate matter (TSM) is higher in the winter half year than that in the summer half year, and higher inshore than offshore. The isolines are parallel to the shoreline as a whole. There is a turbid water tongue stretching southeastward with notably seasonal variation near 29°N off Zhejiang Province,and there are two centers of high mass concentration near the Changjiang River Estuary and Yushan Islands of Zhejiang Province and two centers of less high mass concentration centered at 32°N, 125°E and 30°N,127°E respectively all the year round. The high TSM mass concentration front (10 mg/L) is usually parallel to the shoreline. It occurs seasonally near the 40~60 m isobath and often separated into two parts in the northern ECS. The less high TSM mass concentration front (3 mg/L) is not parallel to the shoreline because of a turbid water tongue stretching southeastward all the year round at 29‘N. It appears near the 30~40 m isobath in the northern ECS,near the 50~90 m isobaths in the central ECS, and near the 50~80 m isobath in the southern ECS in different seasons. In contrast, the particulate organic matter (POM) mass concentration is higher in the summer half year than that in the winter half year, Like the TSM, there are two centers of high value and two centers of less high value seasonally. The distribution pattern and magnitude of the particulate inorganic matter (PIM) mass concentration is similar to that of TSM,but the contours shrink shoreward by about 0.5°. There are also two high value centers near the Changjiang River Estuary and off Zhejiang Province, but only one less high value center centered at 32° N, 125° E. The percentage of POM in the TSM from high to low is in the order of spring, summer, winter, fall and it is opposite for PIM.
A preliminary study of the culturable microorganisms in tidal flat sediment from Zhenhai,Zhejiang Province
ZHENG Ying, HUO Ying-yi
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (4): 65-71.  
Abstract69)      PDF (897KB)(59)      
Marine microorganisms in the tidal flat sediment from Zhenhai were isolated with pure culture method and bacterial community and diversity were analyzed. The tidal flat sediment sample was collected from Zhenhai, Zhejiang Province of China in June, 2008. The diluted sediment was plated on modified ZoBell medium agar plates. After incubation aerobically at 25 °C and 37 °C, strains were selected and purified. The 16S rRNA genes were amplified with primers 27F (5'-AGAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCAG-3') and 1492R (5’-GGTTACCTTGTTACGACTT-3') and sequenced. The sequences obtained were compared with closely related sequences of described bacteria from the EzTaxon-e online service. Sequence data were aligned with Clustal W and phylogenetic tree were constructed by the neighbor-joining method with the MEGA 5 program package.
Totally, 39 bacterial strains were isolated. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences show that the isolates were closely related to described bacteria and fell into four lineages: Firmicutes (20 strains, 51. 3%), Proteobacteria (12 strains, 30. 8%),Bacteroidetes (6 strains, 15. 4%) and Actinobacteria (1 strain, 2. 6%). Firmicutes strains belong to genera Bacillus, Ornithinibacillus and Thalassobacillus; Proteobacteria strains belong to genera Roseicyclus, Rhodobacter, Erythrobacter, J annaschia and Ruegeria of Alphaproteobacteria and genera Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas of Gammaproteobacteria; Bacteroidetes strains belong to genus Algori phagus and family Flavobacteriaceae; and Actinobacteria strains belong to genus Gordonia.
Bacilli and Alphaproteobacteria were the largest group in Firmicutes and Proteobacteria, respectively. They might play an important role in biogeochemical cycles in the coastal sediment ecosystem. Bacilli strains are heterotrophic bacteria, and their occurrence indicates that the tidal flat environment is rich in organic nutrition. 15 out of 20 (75%) of the isolated Bacilli strains showed closer phylogenetic relationship with the bacteria of land origin rather than bacteria of marine origin. In addition, strain ZH04 as well as ZH55 shared the highest 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities to the arsenic-resistant bacterium Bacillus indicus Sd/3T (99.9%); strain ZH41 as well as ZH43 shared 99.7% sequence similarity to the iron-and manganese reducing bacterium Bacillus subterraneus DSM 13966T; strain ZH56 were most related to Bacillus thioparans U3, which can oxidize manganese and remove cadmium, zinc, copper and lead. The discovery of strains related to absorption and oxo-reduction of heavy metals indicates heavy metal pollution of the offshore environment resulted from large amount of heavy metal sewage discharge in recent years and the impact of human activities on land on the coastal ecological environment. Of the 10 strains assigned to Alphaproteobacteria, up to 8 strains were assigned to Roseobacter lineage, including ZH40,ZH15, ZH32,ZH18, ZH36, ZH39,ZH50 and ZH17. The Roseobacter lineage is one of the richest marine microorganisms, and the bacteria of this group have multiple pathways for energy and carbon acquisition, including carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulfide oxidation, CO2 fixation, aerobic anoxygenic phototrophy and aromatic compound degradation, etc. Thus, the bacteria of Rhoseobacter lineage is called as‘ecological generalist’, which play important roles in the carbon and sulfur biogeochemical cycles of the offshore ecosystem.
In addition, strains ZH09,ZH15, ZH17 and ZH38 shared low 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities with Robiginitalea biformata HTCC2501T (93.6%),Rhodobacter aestuarii JA29T (97.1%),Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3T(97.2%) and Acinetobacter indicus A648T (96. 8%),respectively. The relatively low sequence similarities with described bacteria indicate that these strains may represent novel phylogenetic lineages in the offshore environment.
The research deepens our understanding of the diversity of culturable bacteria in the coastal sediment of Zhejiang Province and provides material for future exploitation and utilization of marine microorganism resources.
Comparison of protein sample preparation methods of two-dimensional electrophoresis for Skeletonema costatum
WANG Xiu-xiu, CHEN Ji-xin, HUANG Bang-qin
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (4): 72-77.  
Abstract62)      PDF (1455KB)(59)      
Lysis buffer method and trichloroacetic acid ( TCA)-acetone precipitation method both are the common methods in algal protein abstraction. We compared the 2-DE maps of these two protein extraction methods to find out the best protocol for Skeletonema costatum. As a result,the Lysis buffer-TCA-acetone method had better effect than the other two lysis buffer methods (lysis buffer-microcon &. lysis buffer-2-D clean-up kit) in removing the intracellular interferential factors, such as salt, nucleic acid, polyphenol and polysaccharide. The lysis buffer-TCA-acetone method and straight TCA-acetone precipitation method both represented clean background and clear protein dots in 2-DE maps while the later method showed better isoelect rofocusing results. We optimized the straight TCA-acetone precipitation methods. The TCA-acetone precipitation with 12 hours precipitation and a following ultrasonic cleaning process method was confirmed to be the appropiate sample preparation method for S. costatum for two-dimensional electrophoresis.
Molecular cloning and tissue-specific expression of FBP of Lateolabrax ja ponicus
TONG Cai-huan, QIAN Yun-xia, ZHENG Wei-xian, HAN Liu
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (4): 78-83.  
Abstract70)      PDF (2161KB)(63)      
Fructosel, 6-bisphosphatase ( EC 3. 1. 3. 11) can catalyse the hydrolysis of fructose-l, 6-bisphosphate into fructose-6-phosphate and inorganic phosphate. It is one of the key enzymes in the gluconeogenic pathway. The full-length 1 357 bp FBP cDNA was isolateded from the liver of sea perch Lateolabrax japonicus with SMART RACE technology. It consists of a 42 bp5' UTR,a 301 bp 3' UTR and an open reading frame (ORF) of 1 014 bp,encoding a polypeptide of 337 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 36. 7 kD and electric point of 6. 90. Sequencing analysis of amino acid shows that the Lateolabrax japonicus FBP has high amino acid homology with the liver-type FBP gene from other species, and the homology is 94. 3% with Anopiopoma fimbria, 90. 8% with Osmerus mordax,89. 3% with Danio rerio, 88. 1% with Carassius gibelio and 84. 1% with Salmo salar. Phylogenetic analysis shows that Lateolabrax japonicus FBP clustered with liver-type FBP of fish, then with liver-type FBP of mammals, and still then clustered with muscle-type FBP of mammals to form a family. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR was used to determine the expression profiles of FBP from liver, muscle, heart, eye,intestine, kidney, fat, spleen, gill and brain. The results show that FBP was expressed only in liver, intestine and kidney. This conclusion is in consistent with the fact that liver, kidney and intestine are the major gluconeogenic tissues of teleost. These results indicate that the FBP obtained is of liver-type.
Evaluation of the weighted factors affecting catching capability of light-purse seine vessels in Zhoushan sea area based on AHP
WANG Fei, SONG Wei-hua
Journal of Marine Sciences    2012, 30 (4): 84-87.  
Abstract40)      PDF (933KB)(55)      
Based on the production of 3 fishing vessels, the weight of factors including gross tonnage, power of the main engine, operating days and underwater light power that affect the catching capability of light-purse seine vessels in Zhoushan waters were analyzed with AHP and the weights of the factors were defined according to their importance and evaluation model of factors affecting catching capability of light-purse seine vessels was established. The results show that the weight score for gross tonnage,power of the main engine, operating days and the underwater light power is 0.461 2, 0.342 4, 0. 1371 and 0.0594 respectively.