Marine sands are important submarine mineral resources. The marine sand resources of Hainan Island are widely distributed in coastal zones and continental shelf areas, with large scale, good quality and rich in heavy minerals. The basic distribution characteristics of marine sand resources around Hainan Island are described, and the progress and main achievements of marine sand exploration around Hainan Island are reviewed with emphasis on heavy mineral sand and aggregate sand. Through the exploration, 15 abnormal areas of heavy mineral placer have been delineated in the sea area around Hainan Island, and one large zirconiumtitanium placer deposit has been proved. However, due to the low level of investigation and research, the resource potential of heavy mineral placer is not clear. The scale of sediment survey around Hainan Island has basically reached 1∶250 000, which provides a solid foundation for the exploration of aggregate sand resources. In recent years, billions of cubic meters of aggregate sand resources have been discovered in the east entrance of Qiongzhou Strait and tidal sand ridge area of the western Hainan, and the resource potential is predicted to reach tens of billions of cubic meters. According to the comprehensive analysis, 8 potential exploration areas of marine sand resources can be delineated around Hainan Island. Except the east mouth of Qiongzhou Strait and the tidal sand ridge area of the western Hainan, the northeast continental shelf of Hainan, the southwest continental shelf of Hainan and Beibu Gulf area are all favorable enrichment areas of marine sand resources, and may contain heavy mineral resources potential. According to the specific sedimentary environment, the exploration objectives and tasks of each prospective area are discussed respectively. Combined with the current work progress and existing problems, the suggestions for the future marine sand exploration are put forward.