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Journal of Marine Sciences 2014 Vol.32
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Analysis of temporal and spatial feature of sea surface wind field in China offshore
CHEN Xin-yi, HAO Zeng-zhou, PAN De-lu, HUANG Si-xun, GONG Fang, SHI Dong-sheng
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (1): 1-10.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.01.001
Abstract118)      PDF (7110KB)(18)      
Four seasonal average sea surface wind field of China offshore was obtained through ERA-Interim data from ECMWF(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts), so that the feature of seasonal wind field variation of China offshore was figured. The result shows that China offshore is a typical East Asian monsoon region where northerly monsoon is in vogue in winter and southerly monsoon is in vogue in summer. Then the feature of China offshore's sea surface wind field anomalies was analyzed with the method of empirical orthogonal function (EOF). The merging data of multiple satellites utilized in this study is from NCDC(National Climatic Data Center), which has been collected since Sept. 1987. Some results can be obtained by analyzing 313 monthly average data. The first mode of China offshore's sea surface wind field anomalies makes contribution to 63.94% of the total variance. This mode shows the seasonal variations of China offshore, which means that the type of feature is winter-summer monsoon oscillation. The second mode makes contribution to 12.35% of the total variance, which reflects the feature of sea surface wind field during the transition period of winter monsoon and summer monsoon, so it shows the type of spring-autumn oscillation. The third mode, contributed to 3.49% of the total variance, which shows fluctuation with an approximative period of half-year, reflects intraseasonal variation of sea surface wind field variation.
Analysis of low-frequency variability of mixed layer salinity at the western Luzon Strait
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (1): 11-18.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-909X.2014.01.002
Abstract121)      PDF (1886KB)(22)      
Based on WOD09 and Argo data of twenty seven years(1984-2010), and combined with SODA、OFES、GPCP and WHOI data, the long-term trends and interdecadal variability of mixed layer salinity at the western Luzon Strait were analyzed. The results can be described as follows: (1)the salinity decreased about-0.020 per year from 1984 to 2010; (2)because of the variability of Kuroshio meridianal flux, the Kuroshio invasion was weakened after 1999, which resulted in the salinity being positive anomaly before 1999, with a maximum of 0.14 and a mean of 0.05, while negative anomaly after 1999, with a minimum of -0.22 and a mean of -0.06; (3)by calculating the salinity budget, the variability of salinity at the western Luzon Strait is controlled by advection primarily.
Temporal and spatial distribution of local typhoon and non-local typhoon in the South China Sea
CHENG Han, LIANG Chu-jin, DONG Chang-ming, LIU Zheng-li
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (1): 19-30.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.01.003
Abstract128)      PDF (7413KB)(13)      
The best track data of tropical cyclones (TC) for 62 years (1951-2012) obtained from Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) were used to make an analysis on the temporal and spatial distribution of two kinds of tropical cyclones, i. e. entitled local typhoon and non-local typhoon which have impact on the South China Sea (SCS). The result suggests that local typhoon’s sources are associated with the monsoon period. In summer monsoon, the sources mainly located on the north of 15°N, and in winter monsoon, it moved to the south of 15°N. Compared with non-local typhoon, local typhoon’s activity is broader in space, but weaker in intensity in commonly. In the intensity development process, the time-intensisy curve of local typhoon is almost symmetrical, but that of non-local typhoon is a decline curve. The two kinds of TC’s landing positions are also associated with the monsoon. In summer monsoon, local typhoon and non-local typhoon make landfall more frequently than those in winter monsoon. And in the same latitude, non-local typhoon moves faster than local typhoon.
Assimilation experiments of an extratropical cyclone process
ZHU Ye, ZHAI Guo-qing, LIU Rui, XU Hui-yan, SU Tao
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (1): 31-39.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.01.004
Abstract117)      PDF (5031KB)(26)      
There are extreme gusts and waves when the developing extratropical cyclones (DECS) enters the Zhejiang coastal waters, which can bring about shipwrecks and fatalities. In this study, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model system which is typically used in the regional meso-scale model prediction, was used to simulate a DECS process. Three experiments were conducted: experiment one (without assimilation data); experiment two (with assimilation of cloud drift wind data (CDWD), quality control was not conducted to the CDWD) and experiment three (with assimilation of CDWD, quality control was conducted to the CDWD). The comparison of the three experiments shows that including the assimilation of CDWD, they can have positive impact on DECS prediction. The results of experiment three are very similar to those of actual observation, therefore it can improve the prediction accuracy about the DECS which influence the Zhejiang coastal waters.
Comparison of coastal wetland classification accuracy using fused images of different-polarization SAR and TM images
WANG Xiao-peng, ZHANG Jie, MA Yi, REN Guang-bo
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (1): 40-46.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.01.005
Abstract120)      PDF (2744KB)(29)      
The supported vector machine was adopted on the coastal wetland land cover classification using fused images of 4-polarization SAR and TM images, the results of classification were compared and evaluated to analyze the capability of different-polarization SAR and TM fused images in coastal wetland area. An area of Yellow River Delta was selected as the experimental area, and a Radarsat-2 full-polarization image and a Landsat-5 TM image were taken as an example. The results of the experiment were analyzed quantitatively, which show that the classification accuracy of the original TM image can be improved by using the SAR-image-fusion method, the classification accuracy of the image fused by the HV-polarization SAR and TM image is the highest, so that the HV polarization is the most suitable polarization of SAR image for fusion and classification research work in coastal wetland area.
Analysis of shoreline changes in the Fangcheng Bay of Guangxi based on remote sensing technique
ZHOU Xiang-jun, LI Xiao-min, MA Yi, WU Pei-qiang
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (1): 47-55.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.01.006
Abstract122)      PDF (2377KB)(28)      
With the population increasing, the boom of industry and city, the policy stimulation, as well as the rise of external trade, shoreline changes accelerated in the Fangcheng Bay. Using Landsat data of 1973, 1979, 1990, 2000 and HJ-1B data of 2010, shoreline changes of the Fangcheng Bay during past 40 years were analyzed. The results show that the shoreline of the Fangcheng Bay kept expanding seaward constantly from 1973 to 2010, resulted in the land area increased by 4 216.61 hm 2, while the shoreline length decrease by 36.96 km, which was mainly induced by anthropogenic factors. As for the decreased shoreline, the muddy shoreline occupied mostly and the rocky shoreline occupied secondly. Based on the regional character of the Fangcheng Bay, the study area was divided into three parts: the Fangchengjiangkou coast, the Anbukoujiang coast and the Yuwan Island. The rocky shoreline along the Fangchengjiangkou changed slightly from 1973 to 2010, with an increase near the Fangcheng River Estuary of only 74.58 hm 2. Since the shoreline along Anbukoujiang is muddy, it has kept expanding seaward during past 40 years, therefore, many flexuous bays were filled. The shoreline of Yuwan Island changed the most dramatically. There's a 2 027.41 hm 2 increase of land area and a 2.46 km decrease of shoreline length. The remote sensing image of Yuwan Island indicates that it had united with the continent in 1990. The fractal dimension shows that the shoreline becomes straighter.
The quality evaluation system of island beaches in Zhejiang and its application research
JIANG Cheng-hao, SHI Lian-qiang, CHENG Lin, XIA Xiao-ming
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (1): 56-63.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.01.007
Abstract103)      PDF (1241KB)(43)      
Based on the main beache quality evaluation systems at home and abroad and combined with the actual situation of island beaches in Zhejiang Province,a suitable quality evaluation system was constructed for Zhejiang Province. The system has 29 factors in number, including 3 large classes and 7 subclasses, which was used to evaluate 63 island beaches in Zhejiang. The result shows that the overall quality of the beach at the middle level, as there are 7 five-star beaches,19 four-star beaches,29 three-star and 8 two-star beaches, which indicates that the evaluation system has better applicability.
Geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal deposits and basalts at 49.6°E on the Southwest Indian Ridge
WANG Zhen-bo, WU Guang-hai , HAN Chen-hua
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (1): 64-73.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.01.008
Abstract117)      PDF (2563KB)(28)      
The geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal deposits and basalt samples taken from the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge at 49.6°E were analyzed by using XRF and ICP-MS. The results indicate: (1) the basalt samples in this area tend to be more alkaline comparing with the contents of the major elements of the N-type mid-ocean ridge basalts (N-MORB), and they are richer in Pb element than the N-MORB comparing with the contents of the trace element; (2) the analysis of major elements and trace elements of hydrothermal deposits indicates that the chosen samples are mostly Fe, Si, Mn-rich oxyhydroxide, and both of them are the hydrothermal origin; and (3) the contents of REE in the hydrothermal deposits are between those in basalt and seawater, the chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the hydrothermal deposits are characterized by positive Eu anomalies and LREE enrichments, and the geochemical indicators can not only simulate the distribution of element halos center on the hydrothermal vent on a small scale, but also reflect the influence area of the nearest hydrothermal activity.
Simulation analysis on scouring and silting stability of the seafloor with submarine pipeline from Cezi Island to Zhenhai
ZHU Fu, YE Yin-can, HUANG Pan-yang, LIU Du-juan
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (1): 74-81.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.01.009
Abstract101)      PDF (2741KB)(14)      
According to the monitoring data over consecutive years for the seabed where submarine pipeline is from Cezi Island to Zhenhai, the results indicate seriously scouring phenomenon. For the purpose of making analysis about human activity influence, a two-dimensional numerical model was set up to simulate hydrodynamics and sediment environment of the Hangzhou Bay with Delft3D. This model had been calibrated and validated with observed data of tidal level, currents and suspended sediment concentration. The results show that the reclamation in Xinhongkou of Zhenhai and Jintang Bridge have a great impact on the seabed scouring of the landing position in Zhenhai. The results also show that the water-blocking effect of Jintang Bridge could aggravate the seabed scouring of the slope position in scouring channels, and that the seabed scouring of the extension position in deep pools is closely related with the main navigable hole of Jintang Bridge.
Geochemical characteristics and geological significance of major elements of surface sediments from Changjiang River Estuary
MI Bei-bei, LAN Xian-hong, ZHANG Zhi-xun, LIU Sheng-fa
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (1): 82-89.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.01.010
Abstract64)      PDF (3850KB)(22)      
Major elements (SiO 2, Al 2O 3, Fe 2O 3, MgO, CaO, Na 2O, K 2O, P 2O 5, TiO 2, MnO, TOC and CaCO 3) of 187 surface sediments from Changjiang River Estuary have been tested to analyze the spatial distribution character and geological significance. The results indicate that the major element oxides are mainly composed of SiO 2, Al 2O 3, Fe 2O 3, MgO, CaO, Na 2O, K 2O and TiO 2, which account for 91.59%. SiO 2 has the highest content in this area with the average content up to 62.43% . Al 2O 3 has the second highest content of 11.16%. R-factor analysis indicates that the major element oxides of surface sediments can be classified into three groups: the first group includes SiO 2, Al 2O 3, Fe 2O 3, MgO, P 2O 5, TiO 2 and MnO; the second group includes CaO, K 2O, CaCO 3 and TOC and the third one includes Na 2O, which possibly represent the terrigenous sediment, the mixture of marine biologic sediment and terrigenous sediment, as well as the marine chemical sediment. Similar spatial distribution of Al 2O 3/Na 2O and CIA indicates that the materials are mainly derived from Changjiang River and accumulated in the estuary and its southern area, especially in the west of 123.5°E area. The main driving force is Min-Zhe Coastal Current in the study area.
Community of cultivable halophilic and halotolerant bacteria of the Changjiang River Estuary
MENG Fan-xu, WU Yue-hong, JIN Wen-jing, WANG Chun-sheng, XU Xue-wei
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (1): 90-97.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.01.011
Abstract47)      PDF (1553KB)(22)      
Halophilic and halotolerant bacteria were isolated by media HM and ZMCA from seawater of ten sampling stations of the Changjiang River Estuary. Totally 156 16S rDNA sequences were obtained, of which 136 sequences were obtained from bacteria isolated by medium HM and the others from medium ZMCA. The bacteria from medium HM could be classified into 33 OUTs and they belonged to genus Oceanicola, Sagittula, Aurantimonas and Stappia within the class α-Proteobacteria; genus Alteromonas, Marinobacter and Pseudoalteromonas within the class γ-Proteobacteria and genus Bacillus, Gracilibacillus, Oceanobacillus, Halobacillus as well as Thalassobacillus within the class Bacilli of phylum Firmicutes. Strains isolated from stations M5-1, N6-2 and M4-1 which close to mainland were all belonged to Firmicutes, while strains isolated from stations far from mainland were all belonged to Proteobacteria. The bacteria isolated from medium ZMCA could be classified into 10 OUTs and they belonged to α-Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria. About 70.5% of the 136 strains isolated from medium HM could grow without NaCl and be classified as halotolerant bacteria. About 25.9% of the strains isolated from medium HM could grow in medium containing 0.5% NaCl but no growth was observed without NaCl and could be classified as moderately halophilic bacteria. While for the other 3.59% strains isolated from medium HM, no growth was observed in medium containing 0% or 0.5% NaCl, but growth was observed in media with 10% NaCl, which also could be classified as moderately halophilic bacteria. All strains isolated from medium ZMCA could grow without NaCl and be classified as halotolerant bacteria. 30.3% of strains isolated from medium HM could reduce nitrate, while only 9.9% of the strains could reduce nitrite.
A preliminary study on the mixed model of SiO 3-Si in surfacewater around the Changjiang River Estuary
DU Jin, SHI Xiao-yong, LI Hong-liang, LU Yong, CHEN Peng, ZHANG Chuan-song
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (1): 98-106.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.01.012
Abstract71)      PDF (1352KB)(23)      
Based on the data obtained from the observation from July 2006 to December 2007, The SiO 3-Si dilution and its relationship with environmental factors in surface water around the Changjiang River Estuary were primarily analysed. Field investigation showed: (1)SiO 3-Si concentration in surface water around the Changjiang River Estuary had a good correlation with salinity in autumn and winter, which was mainly affected by physical mixed effect. There were some differences in spring and summer, which was mainly affected by biological effect, suspended particle matter and sediment. (2)In the surface water around the Changjiang River Estuary and adjacent area with salinity from 0 to 18, SiO 3-Si concentration slightly increased with temperature increasing, which was mainly affected by suspended particle matter and sediment. SiO 3-Si concentration basically unchanged with pH from 7.7 to 7.9, but decreased with pH from 7.9 to 8.2, which was mainly affected by physical mixed effect. SiO 3-Si concentration basically unchanged when DO changed. (3)In the surface water around the Changjiang River Estuary and adjacent area with salinity from 18 to 33, SiO 3-Si concentration was high in the Changjiang River Estuary and Hangzhou Bay, but was under 20 μmol/L in other area. Since the SiO 3-Si concentration was mainly affected by biological and physical mixed in spring and summer, physical mixed in autumn and winter, it decreased with pH from 7.9 to 8.3. Also the same reason, a negative correlation between SiO 3-Si concentration and DO in spring and summer while a positive correlation in autumn and winter were appeared.
Numerical study on the upwelling of Zhejiang coast in spring
NI Ting-ting, GUAN Wei-bing, CAO Zhen-yi, CHEN Qi
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (2): 1-13.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.02.001
Abstract140)      PDF (5156KB)(86)      
This paper took the Zhejiang coast as the research domain and a 3D baroclinic nonlinear numerical model was used to simulate coastal upwelling on the basis of special topography along Zhejiang coast, with some variable dynamic factors, such as wind, Taiwan Warm Current, tides, and Changjiang runoff, taken into account. The results show that upwelling in banding shape occurs along Zhejiang coast in spring, with the strong upwelling centers occurring near Yushan Islands(28.40°N, 122.00°E) and Zhoushan Islands(30.70°N,122.60°~123.00°E). The wind, Taiwan Warm Current, and tides are main inducements of upwelling. The wind and Taiwan Warm Current influence entire upwelling band. Tides affect the two strong upwelling centers and the upwelling between 28.60°N and Zhoushan Islands, which parallels the Zhejiang coast. Changjiang runoff affect the upwelling near Zhoushan Islands, Changjiang Estuary and the two centers of upwelling.The dynamic cause of currents demonstrates that onshore velocities at the bottom depth contours of 20 m, 30 m, and 50 m near Zhoushan Islands are bigger than those surrounding areas. The phenomenon of upwelling is obvious. For the upwelling near Zhoushan, Coriolis force, horizontal advection, and vertical viscous force are main driving mechanisms of upwelling within 20~30 m. Coriolis force and pressure gradient force are main forcing factors below 30 m, while horizontal advection and vertical viscous force are weak.
Effects of environmental vertical wind shear on Typhoon Matsa (0509)
LI Rui, LI Ben-liang, HU Peng, LIANG Yong-li, LIU Ai-mei
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (2): 14-22.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.02.002
Abstract232)      PDF (2808KB)(67)      
The effects of environmental vertical wind shear (VWS) on the intensity, convection and precipitation asymmetries in Typhoon Matsa (0509) were analyzed based on the satellite observation data from various sources and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis wind. The results show that before and after Matsa's landfall, there is very close relationship between the VWS and Matsa's intensity, but the VWS is not a sole factor for Matsa's intensity variability. The VWS has a great impact on the asymmetric distribution of Matsa's convection and precipitation before and after its landfall. Heavy convection and rainfall generally occurr downshear to downshear-left of the VWS vector, showing a strong wavenumber-1 asymmetry.
Comparison for the visibility of the SAR polarization characteristics and σ 0 images of internal waves
LI Lu-jing, MENG Jun-min, ZHANG Xi, SUN Li-na
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (2): 23-34.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.02.003
Abstract142)      PDF (13032KB)(41)      
Comparison for the visibility of 11 SAR polarization characteristics and σ 0 images of internal waves were performed by using ALOS PALSAR quad-polarization SAR images. In SAR polarization characteristics of internal waves, the characteristic of Lambda values is the most obvious and then the characteristics of Entropy and Alpha are next. Compared with the images of σ 0, the visibility of Lambda values for internal waves is better than that of copar-polarization σ 0 images. For the Entropy and Alpha, the visibility of internal waves propagating along the range direction is better than that of the copar-polarization σ 0 images; the visibility of internal waves propagating along the azimuth direction is slightly worse than that of the copar-polarization σ 0 images. The characteristics of Entropy and Alpha are better than those of cross polarization σ 0 images. The characteristics of internal waves for the images of the HH/VV, normalized coefficient of circular polarization, and Beta are not obvious; the characteristics of internal waves for the images of the HH/HV, VV/VH, Gamma, Delta, and Anisotropic index are fuzzy and internal waves can't be identified in these images.
A water-level correction method based on ocean tide dynamic model
LIU Hong-bo, PAN Guo-fu, YING Yuan-kang, HUANG Pan-yang, HU Tao-jun
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (2): 35-39.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.02.004
Abstract118)      PDF (2240KB)(90)      
A water-level correction method based on ocean tide dynamic model was studied and proposed. This method corrected astronomical tide projected by numerical simulation, combined with the correction of residual water level, and obtained the tide data of specific station. Combined with the actual data, this method compared with the traditional level correction method (the time- difference method and least squares fitting method). The results show that it has higher accuracy than that of traditional methods, and has unique advantages in more complex topography seas. This method can reduce the short-term tide gauge emplaced in the hydrographic surveying and charting,and use for fixing the missing tide level.
Vertical feature of the tidal current in the north of the East China Sea based on a moored buoy
TIAN Zhi-guang, YANG Chun-hui, WANG Zhen-feng
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (2): 40-45.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.02.005
Abstract107)      PDF (2980KB)(90)      
Based on the ocean current data observed by a moored buoy in the north of the East China Sea for two and a half months, the special structure characteristics of tidal current and the information of the residual current in the observed area were studied using the harmonic analysis method. The results show that it is dominated by the semidiurnal tide in this area. The type of tidal current in the depth less than 40 m belongs to irregular semidiurnal tide, while it belongs to regular semidiurnal tide in the depth more than 40 m. The tidal current is dominated by clockwise rotation in this area, and the proportion of the tidal current accounted for the ocean current increases with the depth. There are significant vertical variations in the tidal current ellipses elements. This research work will be helpful for understanding the vertical feature of tidal current in this area and the observed data can be provided to calibrate the ocean model on tidal current.
Preliminary geophysical studies of the natural gas seepage systems in the northern South China Sea
GENG Ming-hui, GUAN Yong-xian, SONG Hai-bin, CHEN Jiang-xin
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (2): 46-52.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.02.006
Abstract99)      PDF (2917KB)(53)      
Five sedimentary basins develop in the northern continental margin of the South China Sea: the Southwest Taiwan Basin, the Pearl River Mouth Basin, the Qiongdongnan Basin, the Yinggehai Basin and the Zhongjiannan Basin. We summarized the research of five basins' gas seepage systems with the use of geophysical methods, focusing on three aspects: natural gas hydrate reservoirs, fluid migration pathways and seeping features near the seabed. The results show that BSRs indicating the presence of natural gas hydrate are found in the Southwest Taiwan Basin, the Pearl River Mouth Basin, and there is a large gas field in the Yinggehai Basin; five basins have active fluid migration, where we can find a variety of pathways: faults, diapirs, gas chimneys, polygonal faults, channels (canyon) and other fracture structures; seeping features near the seabed have been found in the Southwest Taiwan Basin, the Pearl River Mouth Basin, the Yinggehai Basin and the Zhongjiannan Basin. The northern continental margin of the South China Sea with wide distribution of the gas seepage systems deserves further studies.
Residues and sources of chlorinated flame retardant Dechlorane Plus in sediment from Hangzhou Bay, China
ZHOU Shan-shan, TANG Qiao-zhi
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (2): 53-58.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.02.007
Abstract104)      PDF (938KB)(57)      
Due to the bans or restrictions of brominated flame retardants all over the world, Dechlorane Plus (DP) has been considered as one of the recommended substitutes. However, as an additive, DP has a tendency to escape from the products and become an environmental contaminant, while limited information relevant to DP pollution in the environment has been reported. Residues and isomeric compositions of DP in four sediment cores from Hangzhou Bay, China were tested in the present study. The results show that the content levels of syn-DP and anti-DP, the two isomers of DP, vary from BDL~17.7 pg/g.dw(mean 2.9±3.2 pg/g.dw) and 1.4~38.1 pg/g.dw(mean 8.0±8.5 pg/g.dw), respectively, which are within the low level globally. Obvious differences exist between the DP levels of core 1 and the other 3 sediment cores, implying an additional contribution of DP pollution from the Jinshan Industrial Zone. However, the contents of DP vary little with depth. Moreover, the average fsyn values of DP are in the range of 0.25~0.28, suggesting that DP in Hangzhou Bay primarily originates from the long-distance transportation.
Acoustic taming on Sparus macrocephalus by sine wave alternate sounds
LIANG Jun, CHEN De-hui, WANG Wei-ding, ZHANG Shou-yu, HU Qing-song
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (2): 59-66.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.02.008
Abstract129)      PDF (1821KB)(77)      
The application of acoustic taming has a broad prospect in the exploitation of marine ranching as a technology of controlling fish behavior. In order to know the effects of acoustic taming with different wave frequencies on Sparus macrocephalus, the behavior of Sparus macrocephalus was studied by means of acoustic taming using 300 Hz and 400 Hz sine wave alternate sounds in combination with temperature control and baits. The results showed that Sparus macrocephalus experienced three different periods to the revulsive effect of the alternate sounds, which were adaptation period, variation period and stabilization period. The response time of Sparus macrocephalus was decreasing gradually, and closed to the value of control group. The response time of trial group was significant higher than that of control group in the first four days ( P<0.01), and there was a positive feedback to sound stimulation from the fifth day. Moreover, the response time was lower than the values of control group on the tenth day, which was the minimum response time of the entire trial process. The aggregation ratios increased gradually at the trial process, and there was extremely significant difference ( P<0.01) from the fifth day between the trial group and control group, and the aggregation ratios were maintained at 100% after the seventh day. Besides, It was found that when acoustic challenged, the tamed Sparus macrocephalus in the hungry state were more excited than the well-fed state. The results indicated that 300 Hz and 400 Hz sine wave alternate sounds had a distinct revulsive effect on response and aggregation of Sparus macrocephalus, and the alternate sounds could be used as a valid possibility in acoustic taming of Sparus macrocephalus, which also could play a greater effect in the control of fish behavior combining with baits.
Optimal culture conditions for Porphyra haitanensis conchocelis with high content of phycoerythrin based on the orthogonal experimentation
LIN Ru-rong, XING Bing-peng, KE Xiu-rong, CAI Wen-xuan, LIN Xi-huang, ZHANG Zhi-lan
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (2): 67-73.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.02.009
Abstract120)      PDF (915KB)(56)      
The conchocelis is very important for artificial seeding production in Porphyra cultivation and can be potentially used for separation and extraction of high value phycoerythrin. We investigated several influential factors related to phycoerythrin content of Porphyra haitanensis conchocelis and studied the optimal controlled culture conditions under which high content of phycoerythrin was obtained. Specific operational processes: initial conchocelis was obtained from carpospores release of mature Porphyra thallus and responses of conchocelis phycoerythrin content to environmental factors and optimal controlled culture conditions were determined based on the designation of an orthogonal experimentation with interactional analysis of three factors and three levels [L 27(3 13)]. Results demonstrate that factors of temperature,light intensity and salinity have significant effects on phycoerythrin content ( P≤0.048 1). There are factorial interaction occurrences between temperature and light intensity or salinity( P≤0.043 1). However there is no significant interaction between light intensity and salinity( P=0.469 8). The optimal controlled culture conditions for high content of phycoerythrin are: temperature 18 ℃、light intensity 1 500 lx and salinity 20 or 25. Under optimal controlled culture condition, conchocelis phycoerythrin content is as high as 64.73 mg/g.dw (average±SD: 58.24±5.07 mg/g.dw).
Analysis of cultivated characteristics and ISSR of different strains of Sargassum fusiforme (Harv.) Setch. in Dongtou, Zhejiang
XU Jia-li, LUO Qi-jun, YAN Xiao-jun
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (2): 74-79.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.02.010
Abstract118)      PDF (1119KB)(62)      
There are diverse origins of cultivated Sargassum fusiforme (Harv.) Setch. in Dongtou, Zhejiang Province. In this paper, 5 strains of S. fusiforme were investigated, of which one came from Korea, three were collected from Dongtou, Nanji Island, Dongji Island of Zhejiang Province, and the last one was from Shantou, Guangdong Province. Significant differences were found among the five strains in the algal weight and height. The strain of S. fusiforme from Korea had better growth advantages than others, so it could be used as target strain for breeding. The genetic diversity of S. fusiforme was analyzed by ISSR makers. The genetic distances among the samples were calculated by Popgen 32 and the cluster analysis was performed by UPGMA method. The results showed that 11 ISSR primers could amplify polymorphic and informative bands from the 36 screened primers. Total 219 DNA bands were amplified, of which 129 were polymorphic and the percentage of polymorphic loci reached to 58.9%. The genetic distances of the 5 samples varied from 0.151 0 to 0.382 4. In the dendrogram, five strains of S. fusiforme clustered into one clade and S. thunbergii were in the outgroup. The study revealed that the genetic diversity of the cultivated S. fusiforme in Dongtou was low on the DNA molecular level, which provided theoretical reference for the developing genetic resources conservation and superior seed breeding of S. fusiforme in the future.
Changes of fatty acid composition and content in Pseudosciaena crocea from net cage during the winter
ZHANG Chun-dan, HU Yu-zhen, MIAO Liang, LI Ming-yun, HUANG Dai-ping
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (2): 80-84.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.02.011
Abstract121)      PDF (936KB)(73)      
Investigations were carried out to explore the changes of muscle and liver fatty acid composition and content in Pseudosciaena crocea during the winter. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to detect fatty acid composition and content of its muscle and liver under the condition of sea water temperature at 20 ℃, 16 ℃, 12 ℃, 10 ℃ and 8 ℃ respectively. The results show that the content of unsaturated fatty acid increases with the reduction of water temperature, especially the content of EPA[C20:5(n-3)], from 5.71% at 20 ℃ to 8.06% at 8 ℃ in muscle and from 6.76% at 20 ℃ to 8.44% at 8 ℃ in liver. Therefore, with no feeding condition during the winter, saturated fatty acid decreases and unsaturated fatty acid increases through transformation and metabolism of fatty acid by organism itself to keep cell membranes fluidity and against the cold.
Distributions and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in Shuangdao Bay of Weihai
ZHANG Xue-chao, LIU Ying, SONG Ji-de, SONG Xi-hong, HU Hong-zhi, LI Xiao-min, LI Qiang
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (2): 85-90.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.02.012
Abstract109)      PDF (1045KB)(83)      
Based on the data of environmental survey of Shuangdao Bay in 2012, the distribution patterns and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in seawater and surface sediments were analyzed. The results show that the contents of Cu and Pb in seawater are higher in the middle and end of the bay, Zn and Cr are the highest in the end of the bay and the lowest in the external bay, Cd and Hg are the lowest in the middle of the bay, while the distribution of As is uniform. Compared with other estuaries in adjacent area, all heavy metals except Zn and Pb show a higher level. The contents of heavy metals in surface sediments are low, the distributions of Hg and Cd in the mid bay and Cu, Pb and Cr in the external bay are higher than those in other areas. The correlation analysis show that no significant relationship is found between organic carbon and heavy metals in surface sediments. The ecological risk assessment indicates that the pollution of heavy metals in seawater is in the lowest level, the surface sediments has low to medium potential for biological toxicity effect, the sequence of ecological risk intensity caused by different heavy metals is Pb>As>Cu>Hg>Cr=Cd>Zn.
Characteristics of intraseasonal air-sea interactions over global oceans
XI Jing-yuan, ZHOU Lei, JIANG Liang-hong
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (3): 1-8.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.03.001
Abstract108)      PDF (4524KB)(94)      
The force and response relation between the ocean and the atmosphere is critical for the development and diagnosis of the ocean and the atmosphere general circulation models(GCMs).Based on the relationship between sea surface heat flux anomalies and sea surface temperature anomalies(SSTA), the characteristics of intraseasonal air-sea interactions were analyzed over global oceans. The results show that the atmospheric forcing dominates in the subtropics. It is significant in the summer hemisphere, but not noticeable in the winter hemisphere. From the central to the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean and in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, SST forcing dominates throughout the year. Over the Indian Ocean, the performance of air-sea interaction differs with seasons. Along the coast of Somalia, over Arabian Sea, and over the Bay of Bengal, SST forcing dominates only from June to August. Instead, from September to November, atmospheric forcing takes the place of SST forcing and dominates over the Bay of Bengal. In the areas other than the above ones, the variability of SSTA or SSTA tendency has little connection with the surface heat flux, which suggests a decoupling between the ocean and the atmosphere in the intraseasonal band. Overall, the force and response relation between the ocean and the atmosphere in the intraseasonal band changes with seasons and locations. It can also differ from the ocean-atmosphere coupling in the seasonal time scale and longer time scales.
Role of Westerly Wind Burst Event on Cold-Tongue and Warm-Pool El Niño: A conceptual model study
LIAN Tao, HE Hai-lun
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (3): 9-15.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.03.002
Abstract112)      PDF (2804KB)(70)      
Using a simple conceptual coupled model, this study discussed the role of Westerly Wind Burst Event(WWB) on the two types of El Niño events(the Cold-Tongue El Niño type and the Warm-Pool El Niño type). The results indicate that WWB induced zonal advection and oceanic waves are very important to El Niño diversity. Since the model just includes fundamental oceanic and atmospheric processes and their interactions, our results provide the fundamental dynamical framework of El Nin~o diversity.
Current conditions in summer in the Zhejiang offshore
LI Peng, WANG Si-jian, LI Yan-gang, QIN Wei-hua
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (3): 16-25.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.03.003
Abstract145)      PDF (1834KB)(82)      
To research the current character, variation and pattern in vertical profile, current speed and direction were observed using ADCP at 3 fixed sites along the Zhejiang offshore in summer of 2006 and 2009. The results showed that: (1) In central and north of Zhejiang offshore (A and B sites), the current was rotating flow and it rotated in clockwise direction. In the south area(C site), the flood tidal current was north,while it was north by east in ebb period. In vertical profile, the current direction was unanimous. (2) The vertical average speed was similar in the three observation sites (44.4~51.1 cm/s), but significant difference presented in average speed of vertical profile. The biggest speeds in the three sites were all bigger than 110 cm/s, which all occurred in the flood period in spring tide. (3) During observation period, the average residual flow speed at A, B and C site was 21.9, 12.3 and 22.3 cm/s, respectively. Influenced by the Yangtze diluted water, at A and B sites the residual current directions in the upper layers were southwest. From the middle to the bottom layers the residual currents were veering in counter clockwise direction with the southeast direction in lower layers, which may be caused by the Taiwan Warm Current traction. At C site residual current flow was more consistent in vertical, which was mainly affected by the northeast monsoon.(4)In summer, along the Zhejiang offshore from south to north, the current direction turned to east gradually at central area (between B and C site).(5)During the low water discharge of Yangtze, the south costal current existed in the central and north of Zhejiang offshore. The current adjacent to Zhejiang was controlling by monsoon, the Yangtze diluted water and the Taiwan Warm Current together, but the role of them varied significant spatially.
Settlement and spatial distribution of Fistulobalanus albicostatus in the Spartina alterniflora marsh in the autumn 2012, Rudong coast, Jiangsu Province
LI Run-xiang, GAO-Shu, WANG Dan-dan , ZHAO Yang-yang , ZHU-Dong, XU-Zhen, ZUO-Ping
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (3): 26-35.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.03.004
Abstract166)      PDF (3473KB)(67)      
Since Spartina alterniflora was transplanted on the Jiangsu coast in 1979, its rapid expansion has a great impact on the native coastal ecosystem. In Rudong, Fistulobalanus albicostatus provides a typical example of the influence by the expansion of Spartina alterniflora. In the present study, 28 quadrates along 5 tidal creeks were sampled during October 2012, to collect the above-ground parts of Spartina alterniflora plants and the barnacles attached to the plants. The maximum elevation at which barnacles attach to the plants were measured. Analyses of the samples reveal that the barnacles are distributed within a narrow zone, on average 5 m wide on both sides of the tidal creek; their landward extension is determined by the size of the tidal creek, i.e. a larger creek is associated with a longer extension. The maximum elevation at which barnacles attach to the plants shows the same level at different sites. Fistulobalanus albicostatus is the only barnacle species in the study area; its average biomass is 273±69 g·m -2, and most barnacles have a diameter of 2~10 mm in the autumn. Biomass of Spartina alterniflora is 981±81 g·m -2. Plants near the tidal creeks are tall and lower popularity density, while plants far away from the tidal creeks are undersized but higher popularity density. Correlation analysis indicates that although Spartina alterniflora provides the barnacles with an attachment base, its influence on the biomass and spatial distribution pattern is weak. The dominant factor of barnacle attachment-distribution is seawater inundation. The importance of the inundation time implies that the negative topography in relation to tidal creeks is beneficial to the attachment and survival of the barnacles. Meanwhile, higher velocity in tidal creek is advantageous for barnacle attachment, and flooding and ebbing tides in the creek will bring abundant food for barnacles.
Classification method of hyperspectral image in typical surface feature of Huanghe River estuary wetland
WANG Jian-bu, ZHANG Jie, MA Yi, REN Guang-bo
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (3): 36-41.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.03.005
Abstract143)      PDF (2221KB)(104)      
The typical surface feature of Huanghe River estuary wetland is complex and diverse. In this study, a new classification model for coast wetland remote image was constructed using the linear spectral mixture analysis model, combined with normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) and normalized difference water index(NDWI). Based on CHRIS hyperspectral image, a classification test of Huanghe River estuary wetland was carried, which consisted of 6 kinds of typical objects: phragmites, tamarix chinesis, suaeda, spartina, tidal flat and water, The results show that the overall accuracy of the combined model is 77.33%, and Kappa coefficient is 0.71, increasing 1.6% and 0.02 respectively compared with that from the classical MLC method, and especially, a better classification accuracy is obtained obviously for phragmites, suaeda, spartina and tidal flat.
Spatial-temporal changes of continental coastline in southern China
YANG Lei, LI Jia-lin, YUAN Qi-xiang, XU Liang-hui, LU Xue-zhu, WANG Ming-yue, ZHAO Si
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (3): 42-49.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.03.006
Abstract158)      PDF (1756KB)(150)      
Coastline changes are of great significance in studying ecological environment changes in coastal zones and even all over the globe. Through human-computer interactive interpretation for the TM images of 5 time phases, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010, we acquired the information about southern China continental coastline, and analyzed the features and reasons of the coastline changes. The results show that: (1) The length and fractal dimension of southern China continental coastline remain relatively stable, but there exists the evolutionary trend of overall shortening and partly lengthening of the coastline; (2) The coastline advances seaward in main parts of the coast and backs landward only in a few parts of the coast; (3) Analyses on two typical coasts, Changjiang River estuary-south bank of Hangzhou Bay and the Pearl River Delta show that the rate and intensity of spatial-temporal changes in southern China continental coastline are continuing to strengthen; (4) In the period from 1990 to 2010, the spatial-temporal changes in southern China continental coastline caused by the human factors are more significant than thoses caused by the natural factors, resulting in the increasing of the proportion of artificial coastline, and declining of the proportion of natural coastline.
Quantitative analysis of river morphological features in Xiangshan Bay Basin
YUAN Qi-xiang, LI Jia-lin, XU Liang-hui, CHEN Peng-cheng, WANG Ming-yue
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (3): 50-57.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.03.007
Abstract176)      PDF (1817KB)(104)      
There are many small-scale mountain rivers in Xiangshan Bay Basin, which flow from low mountains to the sea and form a relatively independent small watershed. In this study, the small-scale river features in the inner bay were quantitatively analyzed by the combined method of fluvial landform mathematical model and geographic information system technology. The results show that: (1)Dasong River is the longest and the most meandering river in Xiangshan Bay Basin, whose river fractal dimension value is generally small. (2)The river structures of Fuxi Stream and Dasong River are more complicated and well-developed than those of other rivers in Xiangshan Bay Basin. (3) Overall, apart from the some rivers (such as Yangong River and Qiancang River), other rivers show a trend of concave and stair-step shape. (4)The applications of S-A model has a certainty limitation. Fuxi Stream and Dasong River's bedrock riverbeds are in equilibrium in the S-A model.
Landscape pattern changes of coastal reclamation region in Cixi on the basis of remote sensing images
ZHENG Wen-bing, ZHENG Zhong-ming, LI Jia-lin, QIAO Fu-zhen
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (3): 58-64.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.03.008
Abstract142)      PDF (1564KB)(75)      
Based on three TM images data of Cixi in the 2000, 2006 and 2013, landscape dynamic processes of the reclamation of Cixi during the past 13 years were analyzed. The results showed that: (1)There were significant differences in series time scale of landscape in reclamation region of Cixi. (2)The area of landscape in reclamation region tended to increase during the past 13 years, the most obvious change of which was aquaculture pond landscape. (3)The area within the inner landscape dynamically transformed into each other frequently, evidently showed that transformation of water, woodland , lawn and bare ground to architecture and aquacultural ponds. (4)Landscape shape became more complex during the past 13 years. Indices of landscape diversity and evenness decreased, suggesting that landscape fragmentation was aggravated.
Distribution of particular biogenic silica and its relationship with nutrients in the upper waters of the Equatorial Pacific
ZHU Qing-mei, ZHUANG Yan-pei, LI Hong-liang, XU Yan-qing, LIU Xi-zhen, ZHANG Jing-jing, WANG Kui, JIN Hai-yan
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (3): 65-71.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.03.009
Abstract140)      PDF (1514KB)(74)      
During the Chinese DY20 and DY21 cruises, size-fractionated particulate biogenic silica (PBSi) and nutrients were analyzed for samples at 4 stations in the eastern and western Equatorial Pacific. It showed that the total PBSi concentrations at 4 stations were at a range of 5~65 nmol/ dm 3 and its mean value in the eastern Equatorial Pacific was 46 nmol/dm 3, which was about 3 times higher than that in the western Equatorial Pacific. PBSi concentrations with the size of 0.8~20 μm accounted for the major contributor of the total PBSi concentrations in the eastern Equatorial Pacific with an average contribution of 64%, while the contributions of two size classes of PBSi concentrations were equal in the western Equatorial Pacific. The results were that the distribution of nutrients had a prominent impact on the concentration and size composition of biogenic silica. And it might be an important factor in controlling the efficiency of biological pump in the Equatorial Ocean by controlling the composition structure of “silica pump”.
Effect of tidal bore in Qiantangjiang River on the water resource of Hangzhou reaches
ZHOU Peng-fei
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (3): 72-77.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.03.010
Abstract116)      PDF (1142KB)(78)      
Based on multiple correlation equation about the tidal of Qiantangjiang River, upstream runoff and river water salinity index of Hangzhou reaches, an analysis was made about the effect of tidal bore in Qiantangjiang River on the water salinity of Hangzhou reaches. The findings suggest that the effect of lower reaches is more serious than that of upper reaches, and this effect increases when the tidal bore is getting stronger.
Community structure of intertidal macrobenthos in islands of Wenling, Zhejiang, China
JIANG Hai-hua, PENG Xin, XIAO Guo-qiang, ZHANG Yong-pu, ZHANG Jiong-ming, FANG Jun, CAI Jing-bo
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (3): 78-86.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.03.011
Abstract102)      PDF (2946KB)(77)      
8 sections in islands of Wenling were investigated in October 2011 and April 2012 to assess impacts of disturbance on intertidal macrobenthos community structure. 96 species are identified, including 40 species of molluscs, 29 of macroalgae, 15 of carapaces, 6 of polychaetes, and 6 of echinoderms. The average biomass and abundance of macrobenthos are 1 794.16±1 148.08 g·m -2and 679±497 ind·m -2, respectively. The biomass and abundance in autumn are higher than those in spring. There is one main community structures in islands of Wenling, Tetraclita japonica- Thais clavigera. For all of the sections, T. japonica and T. clavigera are the dominant species and occupy over 80% of the whole biomass and abundance. According to hierarchical clustering analysis, MDS diagrams and ABC curve, macrobenthic community structure has suffered moderate disturbance with the consequence of poor stability in islands of Wenling. Compared to some neighbor islands (e.g. Dongtou, Nanji and Shengsi) in Zhejiang Province, the numbers of species are significantly less in islands of Wenling. Such distributional pattern of the habituating species in islands of Wenling appears to be closely attributed to the surrounding environment as well as to the impacts from anthropogenic activities (e.g. pollution, capturing, etc.), leading to the community structure degradation.
Community structure of net-phytoplankton in the northwest South China Sea in the summer of 2012
LI Dong-rong, DAI Xin-feng, LU Dou-ding, XIA Ping
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (3): 87-96.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.03.012
Abstract153)      PDF (2792KB)(88)      
Net-phytoplankton community structure and abundance were preliminary studied on the basis of investigation in the northwest South China Sea from August to September, 2012. A total of 206 species were identified, belonging to 4 phyla with 55 genera, of which 55.3% were Bacillariophyta(40 genera and 114 species) and 41.7% were Pyrrophyta(10 genera and 86 species). The average cell abundance of phytoplankton was 66.67×10 4cells·m -3 , which was mainly contributed by diatom with mean value of 65.79×10 4cells·m -3. The mean value of dinoflagellates was only 0.88×10 4cells·m -3. The dominant species were diatom such as Thalassionema franenfeldii, Rhizosolenia alata and Thalassionema nizschioide. The average Shannon-Wiener diversity index of phytoplankton community was 2.67, and the high value occurred in the Xisha Islands and the east part of surveyed area. Distributive pattern of phytoplankton was much related with environmental condition. The water column with high phytoplankton abundance and species diversity often coincided with a high nutrient level particularly in upwelling zone. It suggests that nutrient may play important role in impacting the distribution of phytoplankton abundance and the community structure in this region.
Exploration on the transportation capacity using an anticyclonic eddy of the South China Sea in January 2010
WANG Hui-nan, XU Dong-feng, CHEN Zhong-wei, XU Ming-quan, YANG Long-qi, CHEN Hong
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (4): 1-10.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.04.001
Abstract117)      PDF (7775KB)(16)      
The transportation capacity of South China Sea mesoscale eddy was studied using Drifter buoys, combined with satellite altimeter data and tracer particles method. Both Drifter buoy data and the flow field showed the existence of the eddy transportation in the real ocean. The Drifter buoy moved into the anticyclonic eddy, and then followed the eddy to make 4 turns, in the end, the Drifter buoy moved towards the east of Hainan Island with arc-shaped trajectory. From the long-term simulation results using tracer particles method, we learned the particles in the eddy moved forwards in the same rotational direction, 93% particles(153) followed the eddy motion, and 7% particles(11) were separated from the eddy in midway. The eddy throwed the particles from inside to edge of eddy, some particles were out of the eddy from the place of the eddy edge, in which the speed turned from large to small. But most particles followed the edge of eddy with arc-shaped trajectory; finally, they were stabled at the very edge of the eddy.
Characteristics and genesis of the geothermal field in the northern margin of the South China Sea
LI Shou-jun
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (4): 11-18.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.04.002
Abstract106)      PDF (2717KB)(105)      
With the statistic results about a total number of 462 heat flow values and geothermal gradient values, the present geothermal field in the northern margin of the South China Sea is characterized with “general higher heat flow values and higher geothermal gradient values”. The heat flow values increase from continental shelf to ocean basin against the trend of the crust thickness and Moho depth. Thermal Curie Point Isotherm (the 575 ℃ isotherm) was obtained according to the static geothermal temperature field calculated from the heat flow and geothermal gradient survey data. Magnetic Curie Point Isotherm was obtained by inversion of the magnetic anomalies. The results show that the two Curie Point Isotherms derived respectively from the prior two methods are inconsistent with significant differences in the middle and lower slope in the northern margin of the South China Sea. The Magnetic Curie Point Isotherm is above the Thermal Curie Point Isotherm between fault F2 and fault F4 in the integrated profiles of OBS93 and ESP-E, which means that some magma under-plating events caused the thermal disequilibrium in this region. Based on the study of the crust structure, crust expansion coefficient, Moho depth, faults and magma activities, the author points out that the variation trend of the heat flow values in the northern margin of the South China Sea is controlled by the magnitude of the lithosphere thinning and Moho uplifting. The magma activities during the Neo-tectonic period might be a factor for the local heat flow anomaly.
Seismic reflecting characteristics of fluid and its effect on gas hydrate distribution in the Shenhu Area, South China Sea
YANG Rui, YAN Pin, WU Neng-you, QIAO Shao-hua, SU Ming, LIANG Jin-qiang, GUO Pan, HUO Yuan-yuan
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (4): 19-26.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.04.003
Abstract182)      PDF (3557KB)(104)      
The distribution of gas hydrate is affected greatly by the migration of gas fluid. The leakage of gas fluid is common in the slope of northern South China Sea, especially in the Baiyun Sag in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, which implies good prospect of gas hydrate occurrence. According to high resolution seismic data about the Shenhu Area, large numbers of fuzzy zones with different morphological characteristics were recognized. They were considered to be main channel of free gas and could be classified into two types: corolliform and dome-form. The existence of fuzzy zones implied that there was a good condition for the migration of gas hydrate in this area, which could provide a vertical channel for free gas migration. Drilling results showed that gas hydrate zones were related to special distribution of fuzzy zones. The corolliform fuzzy zones connected with a set of middle size faults, which promoted the free gas moving to the flank area. The top might connect the small crack with which the free gas could move upwards to the gas hydrate stability zone to form gas hydrate. The top of dome-form fuzzy zones might connect to seafloor through the gas fluid crack. This kind structure could cause the free gas escape and therefore could not form the gas hydrate. This classification method could provide a new indicator about gas hydrate distribution.
Reeds and suaeda biomass estimation model based on HJ-1 hyperspectal image in the Yellow River Estuary
REN Guang-bo , ZHANG Jie , WANG Wei-qi , GENG Yan-jie , CHEN Yan-jun , MA Yi
Journal of Marine Sciences    2014, 32 (4): 27-34.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.04.004
Abstract155)      PDF (1638KB)(72)      
Wetland vegetation biomass is the basic information of wetland ecological assessment, protection and utilization. Remote sensing has become one of the most efficient technologies of wetland biomass monitoring. Utilizing the HJ-1 hyperspectral remote sensing image that acquired in September 2013 and the coinstantaneous field survey data, the biomass estimation capabilities of 7 kinds of narrow-band vegetation indices and 2 kinds of red edge position indices of reeds and suaeda in the Yellow River Estuary have been studied. The results reveal that (1) In single variable estimation model case, for reeds, the SRI index with 635 nm and 827 nm bands and REP_ linear interpolation index get the best R 2 measures, and for suaeda, the NDVI and SRI indices with 692 nm and 807 nm bands and OSAVI index get the best biomass estimation results. (2) In multiple variable case, for reeds and suaeda, the R 2 measure get 0.71 and 0.66 respectively.